
Latex (PDF), DOCX and TXT Resume template for Pandoc

Primary LanguageHTML


Generate your resume in different formats from a single markdown file via pandoc! See the output/ folder for example outputs (docx, pdf, html, txt). The key advantage I found is that generating text file from pdf (using pdftotext) gives out fairly decent and closely matching text output. Forked from John Bokma's repo with changes on styles for the html, pdf, and docx outputs.


I presume this could be useful for folks uploading the resume to online portals which often perform this conversion in the backend. The docx file also serves this purpose whereas the html output can embedded into your personal website. Another advantage of the html output is higer control over the visual style and an alternate option to get pdf (if you dont care about how the text extracted from the pdf will look like!)


  1. pandoc
  2. latex distribution for pdf
  3. GNU make (but not strictly required)

Tested with pando 2.5 and texlive 2019 on Ubuntu 20.04. I assume this should still work on Mac and Windows by using the Makefile as a reference.

Using the repo

  1. Edit resume.md by adding in your details
  2. Create an output/ directory
  3. Run make all in the repository root via command line
  4. To clean or remove generated files: make clean


Templates for authoring a resume in pdf, txt, html and docx formats via a single markdown file.

  • html: header info via templates/html/header.html and style via templates/html/style.css
  • pdf (via latex): templates/my_format.tex
  • docx: templates/wordstyle.docx
  • txt: plain text requires no template :)

NOTE: See the Makefile for recipes on how I generate the required files in case you don't have make installed on your system.

YAML Meta Block

name : the name on the resume.

keywords : keywords to be added to the PDF file.

left-column : a list of lines you want in the left column, directly under the name on the first page.

right-column : a list of lines you want in the right column, directly under the name on the first page.

fontsize : default 10pt.

fontenc : default T1.

urlcolor : used in PDF, default blue.

linkcolor : used in PDF, default magenta.

numbersections : number sections, default off. Can also be controlled using the pandoc option -N, --number-sections.
