
Docker base image for all MicroModels

Primary LanguageGo



grpc-server-go provides a production-ready gRPC server for Golang in a Docker container.

This Dockerfile implements a base container for microservices implemented in Go.

The container does the following:

  • It includes a main.go for a gRPC server that imports any code that you put into service/main.go.
  • Reflection is enabled in the resulting gRPC service.
  • It includes a complete health check to allow for zero-downtime updates.
  • It runs a grpcui.
  • It picks up additional JSON-based health checks and runs them, validating if the RPC call generates the expected result. More below.

Your Dockerfile

A typical grpc-server-go Dockerfile will contain two stages:

  • The first stage is based on grpc-server-go to provide an environment for compiling your Go code; this environment contains the grpc server as cmd/main.go
  • The second stage produces a light weight production-ready container with a gRPC server.


FROM knipknap/grpc-server-go:latest as build-env
COPY proto/service.proto proto/
COPY proto/options.proto proto/
COPY service/main.go service/
RUN make build

FROM golang:1.13-alpine

# Make sure to include all these COPY commands, they are required.
COPY --from=build-env /app/start /app/entrypoint.sh /app/healthcheck.sh ./
COPY --from=build-env /app/healthchecks /app/
COPY --from=build-env /bin/grpc_health_probe /bin
COPY --from=build-env /go/bin/grpcui /usr/local/bin/grpcui
COPY --from=build-env /go/bin/grpcurl /usr/local/bin/grpcurl
COPY --from=build-env /usr/bin/find /usr/bin

RUN adduser -S -u 10001 user
USER user
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=2s --start-period=20s CMD ./healthcheck.sh -addr=:$GRPC_PORT
CMD ["./entrypoint.sh"]

Supported environment variables

  • GRPC_PORT: The port of the gRPC server, by default 8181
  • GRPCUI_PORT: The port of the gRPC user interface, by default 8080
  • DEBUG: To change the zap logger from Production to Development

Your Go plugin

Add your code as follows:

  • Make sure that your container adds a /app/service/main.go. The package could be named "service"
  • Place your .proto files in the /app/proto/ folder. The container includes a Makefile that will compile them during the build stage (see "make build" in the example above)
  • Make sure that your main package includes a RegisterService function with the following signature:
package main

import (

func RegisterService(grpcServer *grpc.Server, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) {
	// You should register your gRPC service here like this:
	proto.RegisterServiceServer(grpcServer, NewYourService(logger))

type YourService struct {
	logger *zap.SugaredLogger

func NewYourService(logger *zap.SugaredLogger) proto.ServiceServer {
	return &YourService{
		logger: logger,

JSON based health checks

In addition to implementing the standard health check protocol, this container also provide a simple mechanism for more powerful health checks based on grpcurl.

The container will execute the gRPC calls every time when Docker requests a status from the healthcheck.

To use this mechanism, simply put JSON files under /app/healthchecks/, with the following structure:

├── check1
│   └── my.host.Service
│       └── MyMethod
│           ├── input.json
│           └── output.json
└── check2
    └── my.host.Service2
        ├── MyMethod1
        │    ├── input.json
        │    └── output.json
        └── MySuperMethod
             ├── input.json
             └── output.json

In this example, the healthcheck would call my.host.Service/MyMethod, passing the input from input.json as parameters. The return value has to match the contents output.json exactly, otherwise the check is considered failed.

my.host.Service2/MyMethod1 and MySuperMethod are both called and checked in the same manner.