
Overview of the analysis:

Using AWS, SQL, pgAdmin, Colaboratory, Python, and Spark to harness the power of client reviews for marketing data usage. Are the reviews positive? Are they negative? Is there a coorelation between those getting paid and the reviews they leave on products? With tens of thousands of reviews, on hundreds of thousands of products using ETL and some database 'magic' I can present to the clients what type of data and then analyze it. I chose to analyze the "Camera" reviews dataset, which also includes some accessories, and cameras from amateur to professional.


Number of Vine Reviews:


-- How many Vine reviews and non-Vine reviews were there? Vine reviews = 607, non-Vine reviews = 50,522.

-- How many Vine reviews were 5 stars? How many non-Vine reviews were 5 stars? Vine 5-Star reviews = 257, Non-Vine 5-Star reviews = 25,220.

-- What percentage of Vine reviews were 5 stars? What percentage of non-Vine reviews were 5 stars? Percentage of Vine 5-Star reviews: 42.34% Percentage of Non-Vine 5-Star reviews 49.92%

Summary: Based on the higher percentage of Non-Vine 5-Star reviews, one could assume there is not bias in the positivity ratings for paid(Vine) vs not paid(non-Vine) reports on Cameras. As always more data would be better at testing and fitting the bias. I did only analyze items reviewed more than 20 times and deemed "helpful" by over 50% of people reviewing. I think a good test fit could be a chi-squared, where the star reviews are put into two buckets 1-3, 4-5 with the understanding of a binary "good"/"bad" then able to be converted into a 0/1 module. A better fit for significance would also be linear regression with the star ratings plotted against vine/non-vine modules and then comparing the p-value and rsquared values.