
Let's use assert util type and if possible give me star

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm version License: MIT NPM downloads assert util types release
TypeScript verifies that your program uses the right type as you write code, avoiding potential issues at runtime. but, By using any, you expose yourself to issues that are difficult to trace and debug, especially once the code is deployed in production.

when we cannot determine the type because we don’t know the result of that library and fetched data. we need to use any type for them.

So, if you dont want to use any type. you can use assert-util-types.

⚙️ Installation

case: use npm

$ npm install assert-util-types

case: use yarn

$ yarn add assert-util-types

case: use pnpm

$ pnpm install assert-util-types

📝 Usage


nominal types is preventing confusion between two types. In regular Typescript you run into this problem:

type User = {
    id: number
    name: string

type Admin = {
    id: number
    name: string

const mike: Admin = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'mike'
const introduceMe = (props: User):string => {
    const {id, name} = props;
    return `No.${id}, User is ${name} !`
// oh... compilation was successful.
introduceMe(mike); // we can use User and Admin in the same way.

but Nominal type solve this problem

import { Nominal } from 'assert-util-types';

type userId = Nominal<number, 'userId'>
type adminId = Nominal<number, 'adminId'>

type User = {
    id: userId
    name: string

type Admin = {
    id: adminId
    name: string

const mike = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'mike'
} as Admin

const introduceMe = (props: User):string => {
    const {id, name} = props;
    return `No.${id}, User is ${name} !`

// That's great! get an error! 
introduceMe(mike); // Argument of type 'Admin' is not assignable to parameter of type 'User'.

user defined type guard

asSomething functions to create the more complex type checks. this functions passed the value in a value field upon success, or provides detailed error messages upon failure.


import { isString } from 'assert-util-types';

isString('hello');  // true
isString(1);    // false


import { assertString } from 'assert-util-types';

assertString('hello', 'target'); // ok
assertString(1, 'target'); // throw error


import { asString } from 'assert-util-types';

asString('hello', 'target'); // 'hello'
asString(1, 'target'); // error message is "target should be string"


import { isFilledString } from 'assert-util-types';

isFilledString('hello'); // true 
isFilledString(''); // false 
isFilledString(1); // false


import { asFilledString } from 'assert-util-types';

asFilledString('hello', 'target'); // ok 
asFilledString('', 'empty string'); // error message is "empty string should have least 1 character" 
asFilledString(1, 'target'); // error message is "target should have least 1 character"


import { asFilledString } from 'assert-util-types';

asFilledString('hello', 'target'); // 'hello'

asFilledString('', 'empty string'); // error message is "empty string should have least 1 character" 
asFilledString(1, 'target'); // error message is "target should have least 1 character"


import { isNumber } from 'assert-util-types';

isNumber(1); // true
isNumber(NaN) // false
isNumber('1'); // false


import { assertNumber } from 'assert-util-types';

assertNumber(1, 'target'); // ok
assertNumber(NaN, 'NaN'); // error message is "NaN should be number"


import { asNumber } from 'assert-util-types';

asNumber(1, 'target'); // 1
asNumber(true, 'target'); // 1 
asNumber('hello', 'NaN'); // TypeError: Cannot convert hello to number


import { isFilledArray } from 'assert-util-types';

isFilledArray(['string', 'number']); // true
isFilledArray([]); // false
isFilledArray(1); // false


import { assertFilledArray } from 'assert-util-types';

assertFilledArray(['string', 'number'], 'target'); // ok
assertFilledArray([], 'empty array'); // error message is "empty array should have least 1 item"


import { isObject } from 'assert-util-types';

isObject({}); // true
isObject([]); // false
isObject(1); // false


import { assertObject } from 'assert-util-types';

assertObject({}); // ok
assertObject([], 'array'); // error message is "array should be object"


import { assertMatchedType } from 'assert-util-types';

type User = {
  id?: any;
  name?: string;
  email: string;

const obj: unknown = { id: 1, name: "foo" };

assertMatchedType<User>(obj, ["email"]); // throws error
