
For updated version see

Primary LanguagePython

What is this?

This repository contains the code that runs the Django app at http://karthikkn.pythonanywhere.com/

From the Bioinformatics course page:

What is DNA? A DNA sequence contains only the letters A, C, G and T. (Each letter represents a small molecule, and a DNA sequence is a ``macromolecular'' chain of them.) Each letter in a DNA sequence is called a base, basepair, or nucleotide. Normally, DNA occurs as a double strand where each A is paired with a T and vice versa, and each C is paired with a G and vice versa. The reverse complement of a DNA sequence is formed by reversing the letters, interchanging A and T and interchanging C and G. Thus the reverse complement of ACCTGAG is CTCAGGT.