
Powershell version of https://github.com/knknkn1162/vba100_knock

Primary LanguagePowerShell

vba100_knock (Powershell version)


  • we skip several exercises because of the following difficuties:
    • ex054: worksheet event
    • ex055: worksheet event
    • ex068: form control
    • ex070: timer event
    • ex073: form control
    • ex076: form control
    • ex077: worksheet event
    • ex080: worksheet event


  • Windows >= 10
  • Powershell >= 5.1


  • Install chocolatey, make
  • (Optional) ghostscript, imagemagick.app
  • (for ex100) AngleParse
# scripts to be runnable
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# install commands in Admin
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
choco install -y make

# (Optional) when capture
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
choco install -y imagemagick.app ghostscript
## specify version
$ENV:Path="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-${version};"+$ENV:Path

# (For ex100) See https://github.com/kamome283/AngleParse
Install-Module AngleParse

How to run scripts

# 1. (optional) create shell script from template
make template XLSM=ex001
# 2. Edit your code
# 3. run the script as macro
make run XLSM=ex001
# make run XLSM=ex001 DEBUG=0 # save after macro, run faster
# 4. If you want to cleanup and initialize dirty outputs and inputs, `make clean`
make clean XLSM=ex057