
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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This is a light wrapper built around SQLAlchemy. It gives you the ability to request a SQL database with a MongoDB like API.

I've developed this to make it easier to build flexible REST Api around SQL databases.


pip install sqlcollection


import datetime
from sqlcollection import Client

# Connection string, there for MySQL.
client = Client(url='mysql://login:password@')

# Pick database user_api with table user.
user = client.user_api.user

# Fetch users with age greater than 12.
cursor = user.find(query={
    "age": {
        "$gte": 12

# Pick database user_api with table teenager.
teenager = client.user_api.teenager

# For each user fetched before, insert the teneager
# with no update date.
for user in cursor:
        "name": user["name"],
        "update_date": None

# Delete teenagers with more than 18 years old 
# (Because obviously they are adults).
    "age": {
        "$gte": 18

# Put an update date for all users without one.
    "update_date": None
}, {
    "$set": {
        "update_date": datetime.datetime.now()