
A secure encryption tool for genomic data

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Cryfa    Build Status Codacy Badge Conda License: GPL v3


Cryfa is an ultrafast secure encryption tool for genomic data, that is also able to compact FASTA/FASTQ sequences by a factor of three.



conda install -c bioconda -y cryfa


Install "git" and "cmake":

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git cmake

Clone Cryfa and make the project:

git clone https://github.com/cobilab/cryfa.git
cd cryfa
sh install.sh


Install "Homebrew", "git" and "cmake":

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install git cmake

Clone Cryfa and make the project:

git clone https://github.com/cobilab/cryfa.git
cd cryfa
sh install.sh

Note that a pre-compiled version of Cryfa is available for 64 bit Linux OS and macOS in the bin/ directory.


If you want to run Cryfa in stand-alone mode, use the following command:

./cryfa [OPTION]... -k [KEY_FILE] [-d] [IN_FILE] > [OUT_FILE]

For example, to compact & encrypt, run

./cryfa -k pass.txt in.fq > comp

and to decrypt & unpack, run

./cryfa -k pass.txt -d comp > orig.fq

There is a copy of file "in.fq" in example/ directory. Options are described in the following sections.

Note that the maximum file size supported by Cryfa is 64 GB. For larger files, you can split them, e.g. by "split" command in Linux, and encrypt each chunk. After the decryption, you can concatenate the chunks, e.g. by "cat" command.

Input file format

Cryfa automatically detects a genomic data file format by looking inside the file and not by the file extension. For example, a FASTA file, say “test”, can be fed into Cryfa as "test", "test.fa", "test.fasta", "test.fas", "test.fsa" or any other file extension. By this explanation, running

./cryfa -k pass.txt test > comp

will be exactly the same as running

./cryfa -k pass.txt test.fa > comp

Note that password file is not limited to any extension, therefore, it can have either no extension or any extension. For example, using "pass", "pass.txt", "pass.dat", etc provides the same result.

Compare Cryfa with other methods

If you want to compare Cryfa with other methods, set the parameters in run.sh bash script, then run it:


With this script, you can download the datasets, install the dependencies, install the compression and encryption tools, run these tools, and finally, print the results.


To see the possible options, type:


which provides the following:

      ./cryfa [OPTION]... -k [KEY_FILE] [-d] [IN_FILE] > [OUT_FILE]

      Encrypt and compact:  ./cryfa -k pass.txt in.fq > comp     
      Decrypt and unpack:   ./cryfa -k pass.txt -d comp > orig.fq
      Encrypt:              ./cryfa -k pass.txt in > enc
      Decrypt:              ./cryfa -k pass.txt -d enc > orig

      Compact & encrypt FASTA/FASTQ files.
      Encrypt any text-based genomic data, e.g., VCF/SAM/BAM.

      -k [KEY_FILE],  --key [KEY_FILE]
           key file name -- MANDATORY
           The KEY_FILE should contain a password.
           To make a strong password, the "keygen" program can be
           used via the command "./keygen".

      -d,  --dec
           decrypt & unpack
      -f,  --force
           force to consider input as non-FASTA/FASTQ
           Forces Cryfa not to compact, but shuffle and encrypt.
           If the input is FASTA/FASTQ, it is considered as
           non-FASTA/FASTQ; so, compaction will be ignored, but 
           shuffling and encryption will be performed.
      -s,  --stop_shuffle
           stop shuffling the input

      -t [NUMBER],  --thread [NUMBER]
           number of threads

      -v,  --verbose
           verbose mode (more information)
      -h,  --help
           usage guide

           version information

Cryfa uses standard ouput stream, hence, its output can be directly integrated with pipelines.

Make a key file

There are two methods to make a "KEY_FILE", in order to pass to the -k or --key flags, either saving a raw password in a file, or, employing the "keygen" program, which is provided to generate a strong password. The second method is highly recommended.

To apply the first method, the following commands can be used to save a raw password in a file, then passing it to Cryfa. In this case, "Such a strong password!" is our raw password and "pass.txt" is the file where we save our password. For the purpose of saving a password in a file, a text editor can also be used:

echo "Such a strong password!" > pass.txt
./cryfa -k pass.txt IN_FILE > OUT_FILE

Note, the password must include at least 8 characters. Although, employing this method is not recommended, but if you tend to use it, it would be a better practice to choose a "strong password".

A strong password:

  • has at least 12 characters;

  • includes lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9) and symbols (e.g. !, #, $, % and });

  • is not a character repetition (e.g. zzzzzz), keyboard pattern (e.g. qwerty) or digit sequences (e.g. 123456).

The second method to make a key file is using the "keygen" program, which automatically provides a strong password. Running


the following message appears:

Enter a password, then press 'Enter':

After typing a raw password, e.g. "A keygen raw pass!", and pressing "Enter", the following message appears:

Enter a file name to save the generated key, then press 'Enter':

The automatically generated strong password will be saved in the file that you specify its name, e.g. "key.txt", in this step. Note, the "keygen" program needs an initial raw password, which is not required to be strong itself, to generate a strong password. Afterward, you can use the following command to pass the key file, in this case "key.txt", to Cryfa:

./cryfa -k key.txt IN_FILE > OUT_FILE

If you are interested in the topic of "key management", which is to deal with generating, exchanging, storing, using and replacing keys, you can read the articles [1], [2], [3] and [4].


Please cite the followings, if you use Cryfa:

  • M. Hosseini, D. Pratas and A.J. Pinho, "Cryfa: a secure encryption tool for genomic data," Bioinformatics, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 146--148, 2018.

  • D. Pratas, M. Hosseini and A.J. Pinho, "Cryfa: a tool to compact and encrypt FASTA files," 11'th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB), Springer, June 2017.


Cryfa is under GPLv3 license.