
This is the codebase for my personal website. You're welcome to take a look around.

Primary LanguageNunjucksMIT LicenseMIT

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Monorepo of brootaylor.com ⇢ Netlify Status

brootaylor.com is a monorepo using Workspaces.

That's kinda weird in some ways I guess — but I've done it this way (for now) so I can have multiple sites / applications using common dependencies wherever possible.

At the moment it allows me to build an Eleventy version as well as an Astro version of my website. Well, while I'm messing around with Astro anyhow.

Now, I say this gingerly - but I'd be honoured if anyone wanted to contribute any thoughts and pearls of wisdom. All I ask is you be kind. If there's anything you spot that seems dodgy or if you'd like to recommend an enhancement, (and you have the time), you're more than welcome to summit a GitHub issue.

A screenshot of the homepage on brootaylor.com

Getting setup

Instructions for cloning and installing.

# Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:brootaylor/brootaylor-v2.git

# Go to the working directory
cd brootaylor-v2

# Install dependencies
npm install

Netlify CI & CD setup

Instructions for installing, creating a [new Netlify instance], or linking a local dev instance to an existing remote Netlify site instance.

# Install the Netlify CLI globally
npm i -g netlify-cli

# Set up the deployment rules => (follow the instructions in this process)
netlify init

# Deploy to Netlify
netlify deploy

Useful Netlify commands

Here are some other Netlify commands that can often be useful.

# Opens current site admin UI in Netlify
netlify open:admin

# Opens current site url in default browser
netlify open:site

# Handle various site operations
netlify sites

# Prints status info about the current Netlify user and site
netlify status

# Create a new deploy from the `dist` folder (creates a draft URL)
netlify deploy

# Manage netlify functions
# Ref: https://www.netlify.com/tags/functions/
netlify functions

# list installed plugins
# Ref: https://www.netlify.com/tags/plugins/
netlify plugins

# Link local repo or project folder (ie. `dist`) to an existing site on Netlify
netlify link

# Unlink local folder (ie. `dist`) from a Netlify site
netlify unlink

© Bruce Taylor