Knock API access for applications written in Java.
Add the dependency to your build.grandle
file as follows:
dependencies {
implementation 'app.knock.api:knock-client:0.2.10'
Or to your maven.xml
<!-- more dependencies here -->
<!-- more dependencies here -->
Start by creating an instance of KnockClient. To use the library you must provide a secret API key, provided in the Knock dashboard.
You can use the KnockClientBuilder to create a KnockClient that will pull from environment variables.
KnockClient client = KnockClient.builder().build();
You can set it as an environment variable:
You can also set the base API URL and API Key directly.
KnockClient client = KnockClient.builder()
UserIdentity userIdentity = UserIdentity.builder()
.name("John Hammond")
.property("expenses_spared", "none")
UserIdentity userIdentity = client.users().get("jhammond")
// OR
Optional<UserIdentity> oUserIdentity = client.users().oGet("jhammond")
WorkflowTrigger workflowTrigger = WorkflowTrigger.builder()
// user id of who performed the action
// list of user ids for who should receive the notification
.recipients(List.of(recipientId1, recipientId2))
// data that can be used in notification templates
.data("fences_electrified", false)
.data("breeds", List.of("velociraptors", "trex"))
WorkflowTriggerResult result = client.workflows().trigger(workflowTrigger);
# Set preference set for user
PreferenceSetRequest request = PreferenceSetRequest.builder()
new PreferenceSetBuilder()
client.users().setPreferences("jhammond", request);
# Set granular workflow preferences
PreferenceSetRequest request = PreferenceSetRequest.builder()
new PreferenceSetBuilder()
.condition("recipient.handles_dino_types", "contains", "data.dino_type")
client.users().setPreferences("jhammond", request);
// NOTE: "default" preference set will be updated unless is provided.
# Retrieve preferences
PreferenceSet defaultPreferences = client.users().getDefaultPreferences("jhammond");
PreferenceSet defaultPreferences = client.users().getPreferencesById("jhammond", "other-preference-set");
# Set channel data for an APNS
String channelId = "114a928a-5b35-4e1b-9069-ac873ee972d3";
ChannelData channelData = client.users().setChannelData("jhammond", channelId, Map.of("tokens", List.of("some-token")));
# Get channel data for the APNS channel
ChannelData retrievedChannelData = client.users().getUserChannelData("jhammond", channelId)
# Unset (delete) channel data
client.users().unsetUserChannelData(userId, channelId);
String cancellationKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
WorkflowTrigger workflowTrigger = WorkflowTrigger.builder()
.recipients(List.of(recipientId1, recipientId2))
Calls to resource methods will either succeed, or throw a KnockResourceException. A KnockResourceException is returned if a response was received with a payload from Knock that is well defined. This is captured in the exception, and can be used to determine the cause of the exception.
See the following example code from UsersResourceTestsIT.getUser()
try {
fail("there should be no user found");
} catch (KnockClientResourceException e) {
assertEquals("resource_missing", e.knockErrorResponse.getCode());
assertEquals("The resource you requested does not exist", e.knockErrorResponse.getMessage());
assertEquals(404, e.knockErrorResponse.getStatus());
assertEquals("api_error", e.knockErrorResponse.getType());
If the resource returns an Optional, KnockResourceExceptions are caught, and an empty Optional is returned.