
CLI Stopwatch designed for speedrun splitting

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CLI Stopwatch designed for speedrun splitting


First ensure that sqlite3 and go is installed on your system. Then run go get github.com/knoebber/gsplits

This has only been tested on Unix systems - though it should work on all OS'es if you changed the path to the sqlite database.


Run gsplits from a shell. It will walk you through setting up a category and a route.

After routes are setup, you can go to the route directly by passing a routename to gsplits. It will search for names that match. In the graphical views, you can scroll tables with the arrow keys or j and k. Use tab to cycle through buttons and enter to select.

On the timer view, press space to advance the split. If you advance accidently, use ctrl-space to go back one. Push r to reset the run at anytime.

Example run output
