
This is a fullstack app development framework

Primary LanguageDockerfile

aFrameWork - Application development and cloud deployment framework.

This is a framework repo for rapid application development using modern frameworks. This project includes following technologies grouped together for quick application development and deployment to Cloud environmnet.

  • React Application Framework ( https://github.com/react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate.git ), this framework provides CLI to generate custom react components as follows

    • Custom containers with following components pre build ( Basic Functionality included)

      • actions
      • constants
      • css
      • reducer
      • saga
      • selectors
      • index
    • CRUD functionality built and included as Containers and CLI

      • CREATE
      • READ
      • UPDATE
      • DELETE
    • Search containers inclued in every container as an option in CLI.

    • Socket.io is included in each container for event broadcast and subscription.

  • MERN ( https://github.com/Hashnode/mern-starter.git ), which is currently depricated, but this project heavily modified the API environment to suit this framework.

    • AWS SDK is included and CLI is available for basic api code generation
    • API framework is built using promise and CLI auto code geneartion available with dummy data for mongo database.
  • GraphQL (Boilerplate GraphQL server with Apollo Server)

  • Serverless ( https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk.git ), For microservices development and deployment to cloud platform.

    • Express is used to manage the route for various Lambda function call
    • Serverless Offiline is included for offline lambda function testing.
  • AWS CDK ( https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk.git ), to develop AWS cloudformation template for resource deployment.

    • Build and deploy cloud formation template using typescript.

Local Development folder structure

├── app                         # React app for Frontend user interface
├── api                         # Nodejs API for scheduling and live event management 
├── graphql                     # GraphQL Playground using Apollo server
├── lambda                      # Lambda development environment with Serverless
├── cdk                         # Cloudformation development and deployment tool.
├── afreamework-cloudformation  # Cloud formation templates for deployment
├── docker                      # Docker compose and swarm files for ECS deployment in AWS
├── generator                   # Frontend and Backend code generation cli tool.
├── proxy                       # Nginx proxy for frontend application
└── README.md

Quick start

Docker Local Development

$ cd docker

For local development update .env file with


Your AWS account will need to have appropriate access policy assigned.

In app directory create .env file following .env.example with

  • API_URL=< Use localhost for local development, http://localhost:8080 >
  • DOCKER_API_URL= <Use your docker cluster api url and port >


Run following command to build app(react) , api(nodejs), db(mongo:latest), proxy(nginx) docker images and start the containers

To Start Docker Containers run:

$ docker-compose up


To stop the containers that are running, run:

$ docker-compose stop

Remove Docker Images from local device

To remove all images from local device run:

$ docker-compose down --rmi all

Environment Details

Following directories of api mapped to development environment for local development

  - ../${API}/client:/usr/src/app/client
  - ../${API}/Intl:/usr/src/app/Intl
  - ../${API}/generators:/usr/src/app/generators
  - ../${API}/server:/usr/src/app/server
  - ../${API}/.babelrc:/usr/src/app/.babelrc
  - ../${API}/index.js:/usr/src/app/index.js
  - ../${API}/nodemon.json:/usr/src/app/nodemon.json
  - ../${API}/package.json:/usr/src/app/package.json
  - ../${API}/package-lock.json:/usr/src/app/package-lock.json
  - ../${API}/webpack.config.babel.js:/usr/src/app/webpack.config.babel.js
  - ../${API}/webpack.config.dev.js:/usr/src/app/webpack.config.dev.js
  - ../${API}/webpack.config.prod.js:/usr/src/app/webpack.config.prod.js
  - ../${API}/webpack.config.server.js:/usr/src/app/webpack.config.server.js

Following directories of app mapped to development environment for local development

  - ../${APP}/app:/app/app
  - ../${APP}/internals:/app/internals

Following directories of lambda mapped to development environment for local development

  - ../${LAMBDA}/src:/lambda/src
  - ../${LAMBDA}/serverless.yml:/lambda/serverless.yml
  - ../${LAMBDA}/package.json:/lambda/package.json

Following directories of graphql mapped to development environment for local development

  - ../${GRAPHQL}/src:/graphql/src
  - ../${GRAPHQL}/package.json:/graphql/package.json

Instructions and commands for cdk app for build and deploy from CLI

Global CLI Install:
  $ npm i -g aws-cdk

Install Local Packages:
  $ npm install

  $ npm run build

  $ npm run watch

CDK Commands:

  Synth Cloudformation Template:

  $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
  Diff stacks against current state:

  $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml

  cdk deploy:

  $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --profile "aws profile name"

  cdk destroy

  $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --profile "aws profile name"

Instructions and commands for lambda app in local development environment

Global CLI Install:
  $ npm i -g serverless

Install Local Packages:
  $ npm install

Setup AWS Profile

  - provider:
     - name: aws
     - runtime: nodejs8.10
     - profile: femasters
     - region: ap-southeast-2
     - stage: dev

Deploy a Service:

  serverless deploy -v

Deploy the Function:

  serverless deploy function -f hello

Invoke the Function on AWS:

  serverless invoke -f hello -l

Invoke the Function on your machine:

  serverless invoke local -f hello -l

Fetch the Function Logs:

  serverless logs -f hello -t

Remove the Service:

  serverless remove

Instructions and commands for generator app in local development environment

Install Local Packages:
  $ npm install

Generator command
  $ npm run generate

dbdata volume will be mapped to /data/db for mongodb document storage

Access URL and Port Mapping