Implementation of the Frank Wolfe Algorithm for transportation network analysis
Team members:
- Amogha HA
- Aysuh Pandey
- Priyharsh Gangwar
- Ashwini Kumar Singh
The quad function is a function from an old Fortran library. It works by judging by the flatness and slope of the function it is integrating how to treat the step size it uses for numerical integration in order to maximize efficiency. What this means is that you may get slightly different answers from one region to the next even if they're analytically the same.
scipy.optimize.linprog scipy.optimize.linprog(c, A_ub=None, b_ub=None, A_eq=None, b_eq=None, bounds=None, method='simplex', callback=None, options=None)[source] Minimize a linear objective function subject to linear equality and inequality constraints.
Linear Programming is intended to solve the following problem form:
Minimize: c^T * x
Subject to: A_ub * x <= b_ub A_eq * x == b_eq
LinkNode = pd.read_csv("linknode2.csv", header = None) #Reading it as a dataframe
LinkNode = LinkNode.as_matrix()
Q = pd.read_csv("demand.csv", header = None) #Q to demand
Q = Q.as_matrix()
n = 76 # number of total links (Using sample values, to be varied according to our input)
k = 24 # number of total nodes (Using sample values, to be varied according to our input)
s = (n,k) # 76 links, 24 nodes/origins
#Y = np.zeros(s) # each entry represents the flow on link a from origin i
coeff = pd.read_csv("coefficient2.csv", header = None)
coeff = coeff.as_matrix() #Converting it to matrix form
t0 = coeff [:,0] # free flow travel time from 1st column of Coeff
ca = coeff[:,1] # capacity for each link
The Frobenius norm is given by :
||A||F = [\sum{i,j} abs(a_{i,j})^2]^{1/2}
The nuclear norm is the sum of the singular values.
For more information check the project report