F5 Distributed Cloud Terraform Examples


Examples of F5 Distributed Cloud (XC) deployments utilizing Terraform. For more information on the use cases covered by this project, please see the following articles and workflow guides:

Getting Started


Selected Workflow

Example: f5-xc-waf-on-re

Check the Automation section in your workflow guide for more details.

List of Existing Assets

  • xc: F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP
  • infra: AWS Infrastructure (VPC, IGW, etc.)
  • eks: AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
  • arcadia: Arcadia Finance test web application and API
  • juiceshop: OWASP Juice Shop test web application


  • Cloud Provider: AWS
  • IAC: Terraform
  • IAC State: Terraform Cloud
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions

Terraform Cloud

  • Workspaces: Create a CLI or API workspace for each asset in the workflow chosen. Check the Automation section in your workflow guide for more details


Workflow Assets/Workspaces
f5-xc-waf-on-re infra, xc
  • Workspace Sharing: Under the settings for each Workspace, set the Remote state sharing to share with each Workspace created.

  • Variable Set: Create a Variable Set with the following values:

    Name Type Description
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Environment Your AWS Access Key ID
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Environment Your AWS Secret Access Key
    AWS_SESSION_TOKEN Environment Your AWS Session Token
    VOLT_API_P12_FILE Environment Your F5XC API certificate file name. Set this to api.p12
    VES_P12_PASSWORD Environment Set this to the password you supplied when creating your F5 XC API certificate
    ssh_key Terraform Your ssh key for accessing the created BIG-IP and compute assets
    admin_src_addr Terraform The source address and subnet in CIDR format of your administrative workstation
    tf_cloud_organization Terraform Your Terraform Cloud Organization name


  • Fork and Clone Repo. Navigate to Actions tab and enable it.

  • Actions Secrets: Create the following GitHub Actions secrets in your forked repo

    • P12: The linux base64 encoded F5XC API certificate
    • TF_API_TOKEN: Your Terraform Cloud API token
    • TF_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION: Your Terraform Cloud Organization name
    • TF_CLOUD_WORKSPACE_<Workspace Name>: Create for each workspace in your workflow
      • EX: TF_CLOUD_WORKSPACE_BIGIP_BASE would be created with the value bigip-base

Workflow Runs

STEP 1: Check out a branch for the workflow you wish to run using the following naming convention.


Workflow Branch Name
f5-xc-waf-on-k8s deploy-f5-xc-waf-on-k8s
f5-xc-waf-on-re deploy-f5-xc-waf-on-re


Workflow Branch Name
f5-xc-waf-on-k8s destroy-f5-xc-waf-on-k8s
f5-xc-waf-on-re destroy-f5-xc-waf-on-re

STEP 2: Rename infra/terraform.tfvars.examples to infra/terraform.tfvars and add the following data:

  • project_prefix = "Your project identifier name in lower case letters only - this will be applied as a prefix to all assets"
  • resource_owner = "Your-name"
  • aws_region = "AWS Region" ex. us-east-1
  • azs = ["us-east-1a", "us-east1b"] - Change to Correct Availability Zones based on selected Region
  • Also update assets boolean value as per your work-flow

Step 3: Rename xc/terraform.tfvars.examples to xc/terraform.tfvars and add the following data:

  • api_url = "Your F5XC tenant"
  • xc_tenant = "Your tenant id available in F5 XC Administration section Tenant Overview menu"
  • xc_namespace = "The existing XC namespace where you want to deploy resources"
  • app_domain = "the FQDN of your app (cert will be autogenerated)"
  • xc_waf_blocking = "Set to true to enable blocking"

STEP 4: Commit and push your build branch to your forked repo

  • Build will run and can be monitored in the GitHub Actions tab and TF Cloud console

STEP 5: Once the pipeline completes, verify your assets were deployed or destroyed based on your workflow.
NOTE: The autocert process takes time. It may be 5 to 10 minutes before Let's Encrypt has provided the cert.


Outline any requirements to setup a development environment if someone would like to contribute. You may also link to another file for this information.


For support, please open a GitHub issue. Note, the code in this repository is community supported and is not supported by F5 Networks.

Community Code of Conduct

Please refer to the F5 DevCentral Community Code of Conduct.


Apache License 2.0


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