This repo is for storing my sample codes used to study the Reinforcement Learning. Main codes were mainly written in 2016, but currently I'm keep improving my code to apply these to much complex problems. Any comments and advices are always welcom.
- Maze
- N_arm_Bandit
- Neural_Network_Model
- Rescorla_Wagner_Model
- TD_Model
- ThePole : Pole balancing problem.
- Pole_Balancing_Engine.m : Physic engine for the pole balancing problem.
- Pole_Balancing_GeneticAlgorithm.m : Solving the pole balancing problem by genetic algorithm.
- Pole_Balancing_LoadOptimal.m : Visualizing program by loading the learnt optimal values.
- Reference.pdf : reference paper for designing the physic engine.
- sortsel.m : function. used in the Pole_Balancing_GeneticAlgorithm.m.
- TicTacToe only bold named folders are working properly. other folders do work well, but some rearrangements are needed to improve readability.