
This application is designed to streamline the process of browsing and analyzing CVs by integrating CV Partner's services with advanced Large Language Models (LLMs).

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CV Browsing Application with CV Partner and LLM Integration


This application is designed to streamline the process of browsing and analyzing CVs by integrating CV Partner's services with advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). It is a Knowit experiment.


  1. Clone the Repository

       git clone https://github.com/knowit/cvhelper.git
  2. Set up the Environment

    • Install poetry. Using Python 3.11(chromadb does not work with 3.12 as we speak).
    • Install required dependencies:
      poetry env use python3.11
      poetry install --no-root
  3. Configuration In order to get CVs from the CV Partner API you need to have the cvpartner token as an environment variable:


    Settings for the vectorstore and the LLM are in the settings.py file. Defaults are set to local instances of Ollama, ChromaDB. These settings can also be overridden by environment variables.

  4. Fire up the servers and a local chroma instance*

    poetry run python server.py
    poetry run chroma run --path ~/chroma_db_path

    Run a local ollama-server

    ollama pull mistral
    ollama serve
  5. Run the test-client*

    poetry run python client.py nnn@knowit.no "What projects has nnn worked on?"

Populating chromadb vectorstore from cvpartner

Run the script to fetch all cv's and populate the vectorstore.

cd vectorstore
poetry run python get_cv.py ~/Downloads/cvs


We welcome contributions to this project. If you want to contribute, please follow these steps:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature.
  • Commit your changes.
  • Push to the branch.
  • Open a pull request.


Apache 2.0


For support or any queries, reach out!
