
Collective Voice helps companies generate online reviews.

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Collective Voice (or, CV for short)

Collective Voice helps companies generate online reviews.


The growth of the web has empowered customers to have greater power than ever. Buyers often turn to customer testimonials and reviews to determine whether or not they trust a product, service, and even a seller. In fact, surveys show that buyers read seven reviews on average before deciding to trust a business.

But, getting reviews can be challenging. How do you make it easy for happy clients to leave reviews? And, when soliciting reviews from your customers, how do you prevent unhappy clients from leaving negative reviews? A testimonial review portal can benefit.

Example Sites

Quick Start

If you have a modern Perl already installed, you can get started with the steps below (detail instructions follow):

  1. clone the repository to your working environment
  2. get into the directory cd CollectiveVoice
  3. run carton install
  4. edit environments/shell-env
  5. start the app with ./bin/cvlauncher console

Setting Up Your environment

If you have not installed plenv or perlbrew, you'll need to take a few first steps to get your environment.

Here's my Mac OS recommendations:

  1. Install plenv by following the steps at https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv.

  2. brew update

  3. brew install plenv

  4. brew install perl-build

  5. plenv install 5.32.1 (or whatever version you want)

  6. plenv global 5.32.1

  7. plenv rehash

  8. plenv install-cpanm

  9. Install Carton

  10. cpanm Carton

  11. plenv rehash

  12. Install Plack cpanm Plack

  13. Install ExtUtils::MakeMaker from homebrew or sudo apt install libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl (ubuntu)

  14. Install Modern::Perl (sudo apt install libmodern-perl-perl) or cpanm Modern::Perl

  15. Yaml-linting (sudo apt install yamllint)

  16. Ansible & ansible lint (sudo apt install ansible ansible-lint)

Setting Up the Application

As always in Perl, TIMTOWTDI! You can either use your system Perl, install a new version just for this project via Perlbrew or plenv, or, use an existing Perl and install the app dependencies via Carton.

The remainder of this section expects that you are using Carton and plenv. If you are not, the dependencies you need are listed in the cpanfile.

From the root of the project, run carton install. Use the modifier --deployment when deploying the application to a server. This command will install copies of all the project dependencies in a subdirectory under the project root. This will take a while, so go grab a coffee or a pint :)

When that's finished, edit environments/shell-env (or create a localized version at environments/shell-env-local). These files are used by cvlauncher and cvdeploy. As a matter of good practice, whenever you open a new shell to work on this project, source this file (e.g., source environments/shell-env). This will add the local library and bin directories to your operating environment.

Running the Application in development

It's always a good practice to develop with multiple server processes - some problems just don't happen in a single process environment, so this will simulate some issues you might see in production. To make it easy to start a development server, there's a helper script to start one. Just run ./bin/cvlauncher console from the root Collective Voice directory and within a moment you will have a development server.

The development server has a hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner. You may click on it to get detailed information as to what is going on with your Application. You can also look at the console log, or the collective-voice.log file in the logs/ directory.

If you need to run the Perl debugger on your application, run the development server in single-process mode using the ./bin/cvlauncher debug script.

Config.yml Files

The primary config file is config.yml. It contains global settings for the app. A localized version of this file which contains site specific details is included as config_local.yaml.

These files can contain the following settings:

  • Company information - name, url, email, brand color
  • review_sites: list of review sites with the preferred site being first
  • logos: review site logos to display (more info below)
  • ratings: labels/descriptions for 1-5 stars
  • sendgrid: Sendgrid credentials for email delivery
  • callback: an external Dancer2 module (e.g., CV::Foo) that can be loaded dynamically and can call pre-defined routines (see more below under Callbacks).

Tailwindcss + PurgeCSS

By default, we are loading the minified but full library of Tailwind CSS from (see 'views/layouts/main.tt'). However, we are using a small fraction of the classes and tailwind recommends optimizing the library by compiling your CSS. I referred to a variety of sources during this step:

  1. https://tailwindcss.com/docs/using-with-preprocessors#using-post-css-as-your-preprocessor
  2. https://www.creative-tim.com/learning-lab/tailwind-starter-kit/documentation/build-tools
  3. https://flaviocopes.com/tailwind-setup/

Setup your environment as follows:

npm install tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest postcss-cli

After installing required files, use the following sequence to reduce the size of the CSS library:

TBD - npx tailwindcss -o public/css/tailwind.css --jit --purge "./*.html" this is the newest way to compress a file in Tailwind v2.2 https://devdojo.com/tnylea/tailwindcss-22-in-22-seconds

  1. npm install
  2. npm run build:tailwind (this builds the full tailwindcss file)
  3. npm run build:css (updates the file in public/css/tailwind.css)

NB: I have not had success getting the above steps to properly build breakpoints as documented at https://tailwindcss.com/docs/breakpoints. Not sure what I may be doing wrong but for now have just eliminated the use of screen size variants (e.g., 'sm:' or 'md:').

Deploying/Running the Application in production

Configuration information that is not likely to change can be found in environments/shell-env. Every convenience script in bin/ will source this file, along with any local overrides you may have. Local overrides can be found in environments/shell-env-local:

  • $CV_ROOT - the directory where you have cloned the application.

  • $CV_DEPLOY_HOST - Host you will deploy the site to.

  • $CV_DEPLOY_DIR - Parent directory on the server that Collective Voice will be deployed to.

  • $SS_WORKERS - How many worker processes to start. The busier the site, the higher this should be.

  • $SS_USER - user the script will run under (typically, the web server user)

  • $SS_GROUP - group the script will run under (typically, the web server user)

Once these are set, you can use ./bin/cvdeploy to rsync the application to the target server. If you are deploying from a macOS box, make sure you install the rsync port from Homebrew.

You can run the application on the server with ./bin/cvlauncher start or, if using the systemd service script, ./bin/cvlauncher systemd.

The systemd unit file available in bin/collectivevoice.service which can used on Debian and related systems. For usage examples, see the README-Linode.txt.


There are ways to extend this application to add customized processing. Currently, this includes a before_feedback and after_feedback callback. See the example code in t/lib/CV/Foo.pm for an example of how to use this functionality.

Testing the Application

carton exec prove -lr -It/lib t/

carton exec prove -lr -It/lib t/frontend/*

Logging errors

By default, CV is setup to use log4perl in the development.yml config file (in environments directory). When debugging, you can use the following to log messages to the selected logging library:

error $message;

Client Logos

Max dimensions for client logos are 1200px x 300px (width x height).

Resize Logos with GraphicsMagick

gm convert -size 1200x300 CORP-logo.png CORP-logo-resized.png

Review Site Logos

Any logo images need to be reviewed for copyright.

Logo images should be textual logos, PNG formats and sized to 250px x 100px for consistent layout. Try https://commons.wikimedia.org for copyright-free media files.

Logos can be set in config.yml or as part of the review_sites hash.


Links to more information about Tailwind and AlpineJS:

Copyright and License

This software is copyright (c) 2020-2021 by William McKee (knowmad).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Happy hacking! -WM