
Mirror of code from http://blog.michaelboman.org/2013/09/caching-virustotal-results.html

Primary LanguagePython

Originally from blog post http://blog.michaelboman.org/2013/09/caching-virustotal-results.html by Michael Boman.

Caching VirusTotal results

I am doing a lot of VirusTotal lookups from multiple tools in my preparation of the data for my presentation at DEEPSEC 2013 regarding "Malware data-mining and attribution". As you can understand the limitations of the public API key (4 requests/minute) makes the process a bit slow. However, I have managed to create a work-around this issue. And here is how:

I have written a proxy in python using the Twisted API that cache the results from VirusTotal into a MongoDB database. If the result is already known the requester gets a cached result and skip the request upstream to the VirusTotal servers.

You can make use of the proxy either by setting the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables, or by changing the script that makes the VirusTotal request to make use of the proxy. Personally I am doing the later, but that's my preference.

Here is the vtproxy.py code