Hackspace machine access & usage logger

A system for allowing inducted users to turn power on to various machines.

  • Users are authenticated with RFID.
  • Usage time is logged to a google spreadsheet.
  • Inducted users are managed using the same spreadsheet.
  • Tools are turned on and off with wireless mains plugs.

power controller

system overview

Shortlink: http://ven.nz/hkspcpc

Sponsored by RS Components


Cheap to implement as only need one central internet connected RFID reader and then very cheap remote plugs for equipment.

Easy management for equipment managers via a google spreadsheet.


Users will probably forget to 'log out' and clock up long machine run times. Systems in use at London Hackspace and Nottingham Hackspace both require the user's RFID card to remain in place while the machine is on, thus making it less likely the user will leave the machine running.

Without covering/hacking the remote plugs; easy to bypass.


Split into:

Design decisions

  • Presenting an inducted user's RFID card will authenticate.
  • Simple menu system to scroll through available tools and start/stop them.
  • Never switch off/time out the connected machine in case it's a long job.
  • Allow an inducted user to end another user's session in case they left it running accidentally.
  • Pull tools & validated users once per hour and store locally in case internet is unavailable.
  • If internet is unavailable discard usage logging. Possible to add a queue later.


Bill of Materials

See the bom


electrical components and wiring


Eagle cad files including single layer PCB layout

Case design

Case design generated with openscad file case.scad


Project log

Project log details design, build and testing

