
Reads the VS_VERSION_INFO data structure embedded in windows exe, msi, and dlls.

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Reads the VS_VERSIONINFO data structure embedded in windows exe, msi, and dlls.

Parsing logic implemented to the Microsoft spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/vs-versioninfo

Example usage:

const vsInfo = require('vs-version-info');
const fs = require('fs');
// Acquire the binary byte data by some means. Could be through the NodeJS fs module, or the HTML5 FileReader
const bytes = fs.readFileSync("./ChromeSetup.exe");
// Parse the VS_VERSIONINFO structure out of the provided byte data and store the results
const results = vsInfo.parseBytes(bytes);

// The spec allows for zero or more VS_VERSIONINFO tables to be embedded in a single file
for (const result of results) {
  // Retrieve a formatted complete VS_VERSIONINFO structure
  const vsVersionInfo = result.getVsVersionInfo();
  // Retrieve a formatted FixedFileInfo structure
  const fixedFileInfo = result.getFixedFileInfo();
  // Retrieve a formatted StringFileInfo structure
  const stringFileInfo = result.getStringFileInfo();
  // Retrieve a list of formatted StringTable structures
  const stringTables = result.getStringTables();
  // Retrieve a formatted VarFileIinfo structure
  const varFileInfo = result.getVarFileInfo();


The spec allows for zero or more VS_VERSIONINFO tables to be embedded in a single file. This means that not all files provided as input will contain a VS_VERSIONINFO table. If this is the case while attempting to parse a file, an error will be thrown informing of that.


Get a formatted VS_VERSIONINFO data object

This corresponds to the VS_VERSIONINFO structure spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/vs-versioninfo

The spec allows for zero or more VS_VERSIONINFO structures in a file


  "FixedFileInfo": {
    "dwSignature": Uint8Array(4) [ 189, 4, 239, 254 ],
    "dwStrucVersion": [ 0, 1 ],
    "fileVersionLS": 3,
    "fileVersionMS": 1,
    "productVersionLS": 3,
    "productVersionMS": 1,
    "fileFlagsMask": 63,
    "fileFlags": {
      "debug": false,
      "prerelease": false,
      "patched": false,
      "privatebuild": false,
      "infoinferred": false,
      "specialbuild": false
    "fileOS": {
      "dos": false,
      "os216": false,
      "os232": false,
      "nt": true,
      "windows16": false,
      "pm16": false,
      "pm32": false,
      "windows32": true,
      "unknown": false
    "fileType": {
      "app": true,
      "dll": false,
      "drv": false,
      "font": false,
      "vxd": false,
      "staticLib": false,
      "unknown": false
    "fileSubtype": 0,
    "fileDateLS": 0,
    "fileDateMS": 0
  "StringFileInfo": {
    "040904b0": {
      "CompanyName": "Google LLC",
      "FileDescription": "Google Update Setup",
      "FileVersion": "",
      "InternalName": "Google Update Setup",
      "LegalCopyright": "Copyright 2018 Google LLC",
      "OriginalFilename": "GoogleUpdateSetup.exe",
      "ProductName": "Google Update",
      "ProductVersion": "",
      "LanguageId": "en"
  "VarFileInfo": {
    "Translation": [
      Uint8Array(4) [ 9, 4, 176, 4 ]


Get a formatted VS_FIXEDFILEINFO data object

This corresponds to the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/verrsrc/ns-verrsrc-vs_fixedfileinfo


  "dwSignature": Uint8Array(4) [ 189, 4, 239, 254 ],
  "dwStrucVersion": [ 0, 1 ],
  "fileVersionLS": 3,
  "fileVersionMS": 1,
  "productVersionLS": 3,
  "productVersionMS": 1,
  "fileFlagsMask": 63,
  "fileFlags": {
    "debug": false,
    "prerelease": false,
    "patched": false,
    "privatebuild": false,
    "infoinferred": false,
    "specialbuild": false
  "fileOS": {
    "dos": false,
    "os216": false,
    "os232": false,
    "nt": true,
    "windows16": false,
    "pm16": false,
    "pm32": false,
    "windows32": true,
    "unknown": false
  "fileType": {
    "app": true,
    "dll": false,
    "drv": false,
    "font": false,
    "vxd": false,
    "staticLib": false,
    "unknown": false
  "fileSubtype": 0,
  "fileDateLS": 0,
  "fileDateMS": 0


Get a formatted StringFileInfo data object

This corresponds to the StringFileInfo structure spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo

The spec allows for zero or one StringFileInfo structure.


  "040904b0": {
    "CompanyName": "Google LLC",
    "FileDescription": "Google Update Setup",
    "FileVersion": "",
    "InternalName": "Google Update Setup",
    "LegalCopyright": "Copyright 2018 Google LLC",
    "OriginalFilename": "GoogleUpdateSetup.exe",
    "ProductName": "Google Update",
    "ProductVersion": "",
    "LanguageId": "en"


Get an array of formatted StringTable objects

This corresponds to the StringTable structure spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringtable

The spec allows for one or more StringTable structures.


    "CompanyName": "Google LLC",
    "FileDescription": "Google Update Setup",
    "FileVersion": "",
    "InternalName": "Google Update Setup",
    "LegalCopyright": "Copyright 2018 Google LLC",
    "OriginalFilename": "GoogleUpdateSetup.exe",
    "ProductName": "Google Update",
    "ProductVersion": "",
    "LanguageId": "en"


Get a formatted VarFileInfo data object

This corresponds to the VarFileInfo structure spec: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/varfileinfo

The spec allows for zero or one VarFileInfo structure.


  "Translation": [
    Uint8Array(4) [ 9, 4, 176, 4 ]