
Neural SPH

Primary LanguagePython

Neural SPH: Improved Neural Modeling of Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics

We note that much of the code we provide is an adapted version of the code available on https://github.com/tumaer/lagrangebench. Our core functions are the following two:

  • relax_wrapper in neural_sph/rollout.py - core relaxation algorithm
  • case_setup_redist in neural_sph/utils.py - setup needed by the relaxation routine including neighbor list preallocation, box size for periodic boundary conditions, etc.


# set up environment and install dependencies
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install lagrangebench --extra-index-url=https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu

# on a cuda12 machine run this line in addition:
# pip install --upgrade jax[cuda12_pip]==0.4.20 -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html

Run the code

We note that to run the code, one would need to retrain the used models. To train a model with LagrangeBench, please look at https://github.com/tumaer/lagrangebench.

We show how to obtain the numbers we get on a rollout with our SPH relaxation on the example of a 2D LDC checkpoint stored in CKP_DIR:

# baseline without relaxation
python main.py --mode=infer  --test --model_dir=$CKP_DIR \
    --eval_n_trajs_infer=-1 --metrics_stride_infer=10 --n_rollout_steps=400 \
# rollout including 5-step relaxation with $\alpha=0.03$
python main.py --mode=infer  --test --model_dir=$CKP_DIR \
    --eval_n_trajs_infer=-1 --metrics_stride_infer=10 --n_rollout_steps=400 \
    -rl=5 -ra=0.03

RPF Force Smoothing

To implement the external force smoothing on the reverse Poiseuille datasets, we replaced the force function in the force.py file contained within the LagrangeBench datasets by the following two functions.


def force_fn(r):
    """Smoothed version of the 2D RPF force function using the error function"""
    sigma = 0.025 
    erf_mitte = lax.erf((r[1] - 1) / (jnp.sqrt(2) * sigma))
    erf_left = lax.erf(r[1] / (jnp.sqrt(2) *sigma)) 
    erf_right = lax.erf((r[1] - 2) / (jnp.sqrt(2) * sigma)) 
    res = erf_left + erf_right - erf_mitte
    return jnp.array([res, 0.0])


def force_fn(r):
    """Smoothed version of the 3D RPF force function using the error function"""
    sigma = 0.05
    erf_mitte = lax.erf((r[1] - 1) / (jnp.sqrt(2) * sigma))
    erf_left = lax.erf(r[1] / (jnp.sqrt(2) *sigma)) 
    erf_right = lax.erf((r[1] - 2) / (jnp.sqrt(2) * sigma)) 
    res = erf_left + erf_right - erf_mitte
    return jnp.array([res, 0.0, 0.0])