
A collection point for Commissioning related Jupyter notebooks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A collection point for Commissioning related Jupyter notebooks

File name Contributor Description
eotestanalysis_example.ipynb Brian Staldar and Kevin Reil First try at PTC analysis
linked_plots Michale Rueter, WIlliam O'Mullane, Mattias Carascop Kind Contains notebooks using bokeh and holoviews including selection leading to a dynamic histogram
astrometry_precision.ipynb Peter Yoachim estimate final survey astrometry precision
diffim-analysis.ipynb Leanne Guy This notebook pulls two images, makes a differnce inage and displays it in firefly.
finding_docs.ipynb Phil Marshall Cheat sheet for finding docs, plus how to use the whereis function.
firefly_demo.ipynb Simon Kreughof Shows you how to connect to firefly and show an image from an notebook
flag_analysis.ipynb Angelo Fausti Read a couple of patches from HSC reprocessing on HSC-I and HSC-Y filters, compute the fraction of objects rejected by each quality flag and plot them to find spatial patterns in the data
good_quality_selection_sashabrownsberger.ipynb Sasha Brownsberger Trims objects in user selected coadds based on user choice of flags for all of a user specified set of filters. Optionally, further trims based on object appearing as a star/galaxy. Returns set of astropy tables. Should be merged with flag_analysis.ipynb.
HSC_colorcolor.ipynb Sam Schmidt, Chris Stubbs Grabs grizy mags and errors in a single tract, plots colcol
synpipe_examine_output.ipynb Jeff Carlin, Michael Reuter Beginning exploration of completeness as a function of magnitude using SynPipe outputs
WL_nulltest.ipynb Chris Walter, Keith Bechtol Null Tests for WL
focal_plane.ipynb Keith Bechtol, Angelo Fausti Computing and visualizing performance metrics as a function of focal plane position for a set of individual visits
star-galaxy.ipynb Chris Walter, Sam Schmidt Star Galaxy Seperation
Notebook name Who to call What it does