- 14
Segmentation fault (core dumped) - using TPUART-USB-Light (NCN-ESP32 version)
#583 opened by helterskelter01 - 3
- 3
NCN5120 driver with 19200 baud, 9 bit mode.
#593 opened by dzungpv - 1
Bookworm compilation failed
#574 opened by ptorrent - 16
Failure: Connection reset by peer
#575 opened by Libertyner - 5
knxd with busware TUL only works in USB serial mode
#591 opened by LukeLR - 1
- 1
Cannot Communicate with KNX
#536 opened by berhankanbur - 7
- 1
Error on installing knxd on debian
#578 opened by fohnbit - 18
KNXD Link down terminating error.
#535 opened by berhankanbur - 2
KNXD restarts after invalid telegram on the bus
#589 opened by ArnoStock - 0
- 2
Connect failed with error 25
#580 opened by ptorrent - 8
compilation breakes with fmtlib/fmt >= 10.0.0
#548 opened by tru7 - 6
- 7
- 6
- 0
#584 opened by marwin23 - 2
- 3
Segfault when telegrams are received
#579 opened by watchdogtheone - 0
- 1
- 3
CAn we implement KNX Raspberry Pi HAT project with using KNX IP interface rather than KNX USB interface
#576 opened by Pavancherry12 - 3
Multicast relay to IP interface
#543 opened by marcin-lulek-cint - 1
Lors d'un lgine scan ETS . Chaque scan révèle que certains dispositifs disparaissent, et ce ne sont pas toujours les mêmes.
#572 opened by houssemmh7 - 0
Not able to start with systemd
#569 opened by fohnbit - 2
Prometheus / OpenMetrics metrics support
#565 opened by RichiH - 4
cannot setup a systemd section in knxd 0.14.35: Section 'systemd': unrecognized argument 'debug = systemd-debug'
#564 opened by knxste - 5
How to change baud?
#563 opened by tunm1228 - 9
The 'pace' filter without a queue acts globally.
#562 opened by tunm1228 - 3
Opening /dev/ttyAMA0 failed: Permission denied
#561 opened by tunm1228 - 1
KNXD not build
#559 opened by jdwEmSys - 0
Direct interface not working on ETS
#558 opened by temuccio - 0
- 0
- 1
knxd works only when ip router is on network
#554 opened by BGuiGui - 32
Programming doesn't work after ETS upgrade to 6.1.0
#550 opened by dikt1338 - 3
- 1
[Feature request] Fallback interface
#547 opened by NeuerUser - 2
KND stops if LAN disconneted
#546 opened by martinmoravek - 1
KNX crashing on read
#545 opened by getcom - 2
Knxd can't connect because ipt sends UDP tunnel request, knx device accepts TCP
#544 opened by pfloros20 - 4
- 1
Debian 11 non-POSIX variable name
#541 opened by adzibric - 8
homeassistant and openhab can only read but not write
#539 opened by p4jo - 0
- 0
knxd does not disconnect correctly
#537 opened by dorfil - 2
TPUART USB interface not found under /dev/knx1
#533 opened by xxxLukskyxxx - 4
knxtool read without any response. Sending ok
#532 opened by Super-Harry