Welcome to your new Fab Academy site

Visit fabacademy.org for class and other information.

  • This website is built and published automatically using GitLab CI, every time you edit the files in the docs folder
  • The markdown content is generated into a site using the Mkdocs tool, a static site generator written in Python
  • You can start by customizing the file mkdocs.yml with your information
    • To change the looks of your website, use the theme options found in the mkdocs.yml file or see the names of the available themes
  • If you want to start a website from scratch, you can delete everything in this repository and push your own static website

Project layout

mkdocs.yml    # The site configuration file.
docs/         # All site content/files should be in this folder.
    index.md  # The homepage.
    files/    # Put files you'd like available in your site here (except videos)
    images/   # You can put your images in here
    abc.md... # Other markdown pages and folders

Read more about MkDocs at mkdocs.org.

Building mkdocs locally

To work locally on your computer with this project, you can start with the following the steps:

Remember to setup your SSH keys to work locally, see GitLab Docs

  1. Clone or download this project on your computer
    • Find the clone url at the top of your projects "overview" page
    • Run git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:your/project/path.git
  2. Install MkDocs on your computer
  3. Preview your project: mkdocs serve, your site can be accessed under localhost:8000
  4. To add new pages, create the markdown file in the docs/ folder (i.e. touch docs/about.md)
  5. Push your changes to GitLab to automatically publish your changes
    • git commit -m "Updated site"
    • git push master

Git global setup

Do not forget to configure your local git environment, with same details used on Gitlab-Fabcloud.

git config user.name "You Name"
git config user.email "you@example.org"