This exporter uses private Amazon Alexa API to collect air quality measurements reported by Amazon Smart Air Quality Monitor
Visit and identify the appliance ID of your air monitor. It probably begins with "AAA_SonarCloudService_".
Since there is no public API available for collecting this data, we use a set of browser session cookies to authenticate with Alexa API. Please treat these cookies as secrets, since they give access to your Amazon account.
Visit with developer tools enabled in your browser and record the value of the following cookies:
- at-acbuk
- ubid-acbuk
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
AT_ACBUK='at-acbuk-cookie-value' UBID_ACBUK='ubid-acbuk-cookie-value' pipenv run python
Before configuring the exporter as a Prometheus target, verify that metrics get
collected successfully by sending a request with your monitor's appliance ID
as an id
URL parameter:
curl ''
After you get the exporter running, you can add it as a Prometheus target. For example:
- job_name: alexa_exporter
metrics_path: /air_monitor
- targets:
- living_room,AAA_SonarCloudService_...
- source_labels: [__address__]
regex: (.*),.*
target_label: instance
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: [__address__]
regex: .*,(.*)
target_label: __param_id
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: []
regex: .*
target_label: __address__