
Mirror only. Official repository is at https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of wireguard-go that supports multiple endpoints per peer. When a peer has multiple endpoints, encapsulated traffic is transmitted to all of them, with duplicate packets dropped on the other end. The main use case for this is to allow using several independent internet connections in a "mirror" mode.

Please see the main wireguard-go repo for the original README.md file.

How to use this

The instructions below assume a Linux based server, and a MacOS client device that has two internet connections: wifi (primary one) and a mobile phone tethered via USB (secondary).

You will need to choose the following pieces of configuration:

  • Tunnel network (VPN_NET) and IP addresses used by the server (VPN_SERVER_IP) and client (VPN_CLIENT_IP)
  • Two UDP ports on the server that will be used by the client (SERVER_PORT1, SERVER_PORT2)
  • Client and server interface names (VPN_SERVER_IF, VPN_CLIENT_IF) that don't clash with any of your existing interfaces.

Generate server and client keys:

wg genkey | tee wg-server-priv | wg pubkey > wg-server-pub
wg genkey | tee wg-client-priv | wg pubkey > wg-client-pub

Before following the instructions below, set environment variables with all configuration parameters on each of the machines:

export VPN_NET=
export VPN_SERVER_IF=wg0
export VPN_CLIENT_IF=utun8
export SERVER_PORT1=15001
export SERVER_PORT2=15002
export SERVER_KEY_PRIV=$(base64 -d wg-server-priv | xxd -c 100 -p)
export SERVER_KEY_PUB=$(base64 -d wg-server-pub | xxd -c 100 -p)
export CLIENT_KEY_PRIV=$(base64 -d wg-client-priv | xxd -c 100 -p)
export CLIENT_KEY_PUB=$(base64 -d wg-client-pub | xxd -c 100 -p)

Server Setup (Linux)

  • Install OpenBSD netcat (apt install netcat-openbsd)
  • Check out this repo somewhere (for example, to /opt/wireguard-dup)
  • Install a recent Go version (1.9 as of Sep 2022) following instructions
  • Build a wireguard-go binary: cd /opt/wireguard-dup && make
  • If necessary, allow incoming connections to the UDP port via iptables:
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport $SERVER_PORT1 -j ACCEPT

Configure a DNAT firewall rule to make traffic for the second UDP port to be directed to the first port on a different IP address. It's important for peer endpoint management for this to be a different IP than $SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP; a localhost port usually works well.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP -p udp -m udp \
  --dport $SERVER_PORT2 -j DNAT --to-destination$SERVER_PORT1

Add a systemd unit file, /etc/systemd/system/wireguard_dup.service

cat > /etc/systemd/system/wireguard_dup.service <<EOF

ExecStart=/opt/wireguard-dup/wireguard-go -f $VPN_SERVER_IF

ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 3
ExecStartPost=/sbin/ip address add dev $VPN_SERVER_IF $VPN_SERVER_IP
ExecStartPost=/sbin/ip link set up dev $VPN_SERVER_IF
ExecStartPost=bash -c '( \\
  echo set=1; \\
  echo listen_port=$SERVER_PORT1; \\
  echo private_key=$SERVER_KEY_PRIV; \\
  echo replace_peers=true; \\
  echo public_key=$CLIENT_KEY_PUB; \\
  echo replace_allowed_ips=true; \\
  echo allowed_ip=$VPN_NET; \\
  echo persistent_keepalive_interval=25; \\
  echo ; \\
) | nc -W 1 -U /var/run/wireguard/$VPN_SERVER_IF.sock'
ExecStartPost=/sbin/ip route add $VPN_NET via $VPN_SERVER_IP

ExecStop=/sbin/ip link del dev $VPN_SERVER_IF
ExecStopPost=/sbin/ip route del $VPN_NET


Enable and start the service:

systemctl enable wireguard_dup
systemctl start wireguard_dup

Client Setup (Mac OS)

  • Check out this repo somewhere (for example, to ~/code/wireguard-dup)
  • Install a recent Go version (1.9 as of Sep 2022) following instructions
  • Build a wireguard-go binary: cd ~/code/wireguard-dup && make

Add a script to run wireguard client.

cat > ~/code/wireguard-dup/run.sh <<EOF

if [[ \$1 == "" ]]; then
  echo "Usage: \$0 <second interface>"
  exit 3

LOG_LEVEL=debug ~/code/wireguard-dup/wireguard-go -f $VPN_CLIENT_IF &

sleep 3
  echo set=1;
  echo listen_port=51821;
  echo private_key=$CLIENT_KEY_PRIV;
  echo replace_peers=true;
  echo public_key=$SERVER_KEY_PUB;
  echo replace_allowed_ips=true;
  echo allowed_ip=$VPN_NET;
  echo disable_roaming=true;
  echo persistent_keepalive_interval=25;
  echo ;
) | nc -U /var/run/wireguard/$VPN_CLIENT_IF.sock

ifconfig $VPN_CLIENT_IF up

echo Setting pf rules
SECOND_GW=\$(netstat -nr | grep ^default.*\$SECOND_IF | awk '{ print \$2 }')
echo "
  nat on en0 proto udp from self to $SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP port $SERVER_PORT2 -> (\$SECOND_IF)
  pass out on en0 route-to (\$SECOND_IF \$SECOND_GW) proto udp from self to $SERVER_EXTERNAL_IP port $SERVER_PORT2
" | /sbin/pfctl -Ef -

_exit() {
    echo Resetting pf rules
    /sbin/pfctl -Ef /etc/pf.conf

wait \$(jobs -p)
chmod 755 ~/code/wireguard-dup/run.sh

Note that the script will completely override your existing PF firewall rules, instead configuring port-based routing rules for the server's second UDP port. The script assumes that your main internet connection is wifi (en0) and that both internet connections have default gateway set (which seems to be the case for iPhone USB tethering).

To start VPN client, run the script, passing your second internet connection (tethered phone) as a command line argument - for example, if your phone is en6:

sudo ~/code/wireguard-dup/run.sh en6


To check client status, run the following command as root:

(echo get=1; echo; ) | nc -W 1 -U /var/run/wireguard/$VPN_CLIENT_IF.sock

To check server status, run the following command as root:

(echo get=1; echo; ) | nc -W 1 -U /var/run/wireguard/$VPN_SERVER_IF.sock

Both commands should return two endpoints in the endpoint variable. The server should report two different IP addresses for the endpoints: one for your wifi connection, the second for the tethered phone connection. If both endpoints have the same IP, it means that the pf-based port rediction script did not work as expected.

Note that the upstream wg show command will always only show a single endpoint.

Possible improvements

  • Patch the wg command line tool to support multiple endpoints. This should significantly simplify setup, since we'll be able to use wg instead of sending configuration to the Wireguard socket directly.
  • Adjust Mac OS script to not override the pf rules completely, but rather add and remove them.