
Go text templating made easy

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go text templating made easy

compose-text is a library that provides a text templating system easier to use than Go's standard template package.

It was inspired by the "StringTree" generator in capnp-scala.

How to use

  1. go get github.com/knz/compose-text
  2. import (. "github.com/knz/compose-text") in your source.
  3. use S etc. in your code.

For example:

// Template for _ x _ = _ (newline)
var a, b, c int
t := L(&a, " x ", &b, " = ", &c)

// print the multiplication table of 7.
a = 7
for b = 1; b < 10; b++ {
  c = a * b

This produces the following output:

7 x 1 = 7
7 x 2 = 14
7 x 3 = 21
7 x 9 = 63

The following code can also be used instead of using pointers to variables:

// Template for _ x _ = _ (newline)
t := L(P("a"), " x ", P("b"), " = ", P("c"))

// print the multiplication table of 7.
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
  t.A("a", 7, "b", i, "c", i*7).Render(os.Stdout)

Another example:

// Template for a greeting.
g := L("hello, ", P("name"))

// Greet multiple people.
g.I("name", "jane", "mark", "isa").Render(os.Stdout)


hello, jane
hello, mark
hello, isa

Supported template operators

S (sequence)
concatenation of zero or more templates.
L (line)
same as S followed by newline.
P (placeholder)
makes a "hole" template that can be filled by A or I.
A (apply)
applies a template to named arguments (creates a new template).
I (iterate)
"iterates" a template over a list of arguments (creates a new template equivalent to the concatenation of the results)
J (join)
joins the parts using a delimiter.

Methods on templates

Render(w io.Writer)
Executes the template to the specified writer.
RenderString() string
Executes the template and return the resulting text as string.
String() string
Produces a representation of the structure of the template (e.g. for troubleshooting)