
Rendering templates without outputting content

AdamPflug opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, this is a great module but I'm having some issues trying to use it to render HTML for an HTML email without actually sending it down to the client. Here is what I'm doing now (which seems really hacky):

var output = {};
yield this.render.call(output, 'email/confirmation', {
    subject: 'Email Subject'
var html = output.body;

This works OK if I'm doing this from within a request - but if I want to sends emails for some other reason (e.g. as a cron job) I don't have a request context anymore - so no this.render. I know I could just use the base handlebars package, but then I don't think I get the cool block/layout stuff you've added in.

Is there something I am missing that would make this easier?


jwilm commented

Is your cron job actually running Koa? Sounds like not. You can create a renderer that works outside of Koa like this (haven't ran this, but should be close).

let hbs = new Hbs();
hbs.configure({ /* your options here */ });
let email = {
  render: hbs.createRenderer();

yield email.render('template');

// email.body is now your rendered html
jwilm commented

Did you get this resolved?

Yup, the createRenderer call to get a render function was all I needed, thanks!