- 5
Support for generators will be removed
#73 opened by wzalazar - 1
Templates and partials are not cached
#84 opened by Gotterbild - 0
support use of index.hbs for views
#83 opened by dwhieb - 2
Is this package still being maintained?
#82 opened by tyteen4a03 - 0
streaming compiled html.
#81 opened by iAmServerless - 2
- 2
[question] Name convention
#70 opened by reod - 2
Release Next as Latest
#77 opened by shellscape - 2
context.render ends up with 404
#72 opened by 01binary - 2
Unable to install using npm
#71 opened by abdullah353 - 1
Route Specific Helpers
#68 opened by nahtnam - 5
- 13
Koa v2
#58 opened by chrisveness - 1
Missing tags/releases in Github repo
#63 opened by RoryH - 5
- 1
Hope support koa2
#59 opened by einsqing - 3
Layout overrides
#44 opened by geoffberger - 2
- 3
- 3
disableCache doesn't apply to partials
#33 opened by shellscape - 0
Error handling for missing templates
#42 opened by jwilm - 6
Vulnerabilities reported by nsp
#49 opened by SamFromDaUk - 3
how to do render theme view?
#54 opened by einsqing - 2
Mising '.' in index.js, line 344
#53 opened by develmts - 3
when koa-hbs will support koa2
#46 opened by tonylinyy - 23
Looking for someone to take over this project
#47 opened by jwilm - 3
Rendering templates without outputting content
#45 opened by AdamPflug - 3
contentFor / block order dependency
#32 opened by mgol - 2
the viewPath maybe an array
#36 opened by tonylinyy - 3
- 3
Support: override layout?
#29 opened by TheEmpty - 3
Docker + Digital Ocean
#31 opened by TheEmpty - 0
npm package out of date
#28 opened by springuper - 1
- 2
Request: Multiple Partials Paths
#22 opened by shellscape - 2
Request: Upgrade to Handlebars 2.0
#23 opened by shellscape - 7
- 2
Problem when mounting app on another app
#11 opened by MBehtemam - 4
- 1
Always "Not found"
#12 opened by yanickrochon - 1
- 1
Implement async helpers
#3 opened by jwilm - 3
koa-render support?
#8 opened by Volox - 9
- 2
- 5
Best way to change layout at runtime?
#5 opened by chrisvariety - 2