Workwize Challenge [Backend]

Here is the backend solution to the tech assessment from Workwize.


Here are the main requirements for this project:

  • Models and Migrations:
    • User (role: supplier or user)
    • Product (name, description, image, stock, price, supplier_id)
    • Order (user_id, status)
    • OrderItem (order_id, product_id, quantity)
  • Authentication:
    • Role-based: Supplier, User
  • Routes
    • Supplier: Register/Login, Admin panel with: CRUD Products, View Orders
    • User: Register/Login, View Products, Cart Management, Simple Checkout
  • Policies
    • Role-based access control

Setup & Instalation

Backend is based on Laravel with Breeze for a quick Auth setup. Here is how to install:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run composer install
  • Copy .env.example to .env and setup required configuration (notably FRONTEND_URL)
  • For ease of use you can connect to an already set up online database:
    • Add credentials to .env for the online database (will be provided by mail)
  • For local database:
    • Setup and connect your database in the .env (mysql or postgre)
    • Run php artisan migrate
    • Run php artisan db:seed to generate basic products and user if needed
  • Run php artisan serve to run the server


Currently this repo is hosted on DigitalOcean and has an automatic CI whenever pushed to the repo.

Walkthrough to development

Here you will see what steps I went through to develop this project. Tech stack: Php, Laravel, Breeze

Research and setup

  1. Research & trials of boilerplates & Starter kits
  2. Once a good candidate has been chosen and tested in local I went through online setup.
  3. First I created a online database for ease of use and future online setup
  4. For the backend I first tried hosting on Vercel but had some issues ended up hosting on DigitalOcean as PHP instances generaly require a whole LAMP stack.
  5. For the frontend Vercel offer a pretty easy and free hosting for react so I went for that.
  6. Once everything was working while being hosted I went back to local for development

Structure and Planning

  1. First I laid down which requirements are needed for backend and frontend by doing that I had a clear view on what models, routes, controller and pages I would need
  2. Created all migrations needed to create and modify tables


  1. [BE] Added all models, related factories and seeders
  2. [BE] Added Product controller, added tests for it and added an AuthServiceProvider to ensure products are modified by the roles
  3. [BE] Added Order Controller and added tests for it
  4. [BE] Updated all the related routes
  5. [FE] Updated all auth pages to fit requirements
  6. [FE] Added Product page for user & supplier
  7. [FE] Added CRUD pages for supplier
  8. [FE] Added cart system for users and order creation
  9. [BE] Added method to fetch and update order
  10. [FE] Added user and supplier view for their orders
  11. [FE] Added all admin routes and update all views to fit

Things to improve

  • Styling (Loading states, branding etc.)
  • Stock management
  • Find a solution for multiple supplier in one order