- 0
- 2
problem obtaining VIP for SVM results
#159 opened by kyleGrealis - 2
vip package: Variable interactions
#158 opened by HanLum - 3
- 10
Plans for CRAN?
#153 opened by mitch-tanney-coterie - 0
Remove `get_training_data()` support in 0.4.2
#150 opened by bgreenwell - 1
- 0
Doc fix for vip()
#96 opened by bgreenwell - 0
- 0
Beef up docs for vint() function.
#114 opened by bgreenwell - 15
- 0
- 0
vi_firm() needs better documentation and perhaps an explicit pred_wrapper argument
#123 opened by bgreenwell - 2
Variable importance not supported for LGBM
#146 opened by nipnipj - 11
yardstick integration
#120 opened by topepo - 4
Remove `vint()` and `add_sparklines()` functions?
#137 opened by bgreenwell - 1
- 1
Reference for using t-statistics in linear models
#143 opened by bgreenwell - 3
Errors running vi_permute in parallel
#144 opened by balraadjsings - 1
- 0
Move tibble to suggests
#98 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Add support for "multinom" object
#97 opened by bgreenwell - 0
🥩 up support for specific 📦s
#86 opened by bgreenwell - 1
Add Brier score metric
#111 opened by bgreenwell - 1
Issue with log loss metric
#116 opened by bgreenwell - 1
Remove dependency on plyr
#126 opened by bgreenwell - 1
- 2
vi_permute() throws warning: <anonymous>: ... may be used in an incorrect context
#125 opened by agilebean - 2
- 9
- 0
Your .Rhistory is in this repo
#130 opened by HenrikBengtsson - 5
PLS regression with mixOmics engine - predictions not extracted from predict object
#132 opened by marioem - 2
Input data for workflows
#119 opened by topepo - 4
Proposition for new feature : Add option to compute grouped variable importance
#117 opened by ptaconet - 2
question: using vip with parsnip and xgboost
#118 opened by gutama - 2
Permutation importance computed using test data?
#115 opened by Yu-Liu207 - 2
Question: is there / will there be an implementation of Relative Weights Analysis?
#113 opened by martinctc - 0
More accurate measures for linear regression
#108 opened by bgreenwell - 4
Partial matching error with glmnet package
#103 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Emphasize dot chart over bar plot?!
#112 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Add citation to rjournal article
#109 opened by bgreenwell - 0
More flexibility with RPART
#107 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Plot all VI scores
#106 opened by bgreenwell - 0
- 2
Using as.tibble() results in warning
#101 opened by juliasilge - 3
Add Shapley-based importance
#87 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Remove `ModelMetrics` dependency
#93 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Add `varImp` support for `ranger` models
#95 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Add mlr/mlr3 support
#94 opened by bgreenwell - 0
Add type argument to `vi_model.<h2o-object>`
#89 opened by bgreenwell