
Template repo for any node.js project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

App Name

The project uses:

  • ESLint для линтинга кода, используется свой styleguide основанный на airbnb стандарте.
  • prettier для форматирования кода.
  • husky для запуска git-хуков.
  • mocha для написания тестов.
  • Conventional Commits Styleguide для коммитов.
  • Release It для выпуска релизов и автогенерации CHANGELOG.md


Start nodemon with NODE_ENV=development:

npm start

Alias of npm start:

npm run dev

Run eslint & prettier with --fix (only for staged files):

npm run lint-staged

Run tests:

npm test

Create commit based on Conventional Commits:

npm run commit

Create a release.
In .env-file required to setup GITHUB_TOKEN with your github token. More about this

release:patch` `release:minor` `release:major

Recommended reading:

Components naming conventional

This project using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details