
TOR networks launcher.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TOR Network Launcher

First you need to install TOR Network:

# MAC OS example
brew update && brew install tor

Installing TNL

npm i tor-network-launcher -g



type tnl --help to see all options

tnl --instances 3 --silent --output /temp/torNetworks.txt


import TNS from 'tor-network-launcher';

const TORNetworks = new TNS({ silent: true }); // default is false

TORNetworks.on('network', network => {
  console.info(network); // {internal: 'socks5://', external: 'socks5://'}
  console.info(TORNetworks.list); // [{internal: 'socks5://', external: 'socks5://'}, ...]

TORNetworks.on('networkError', (network, message) => {
  console.error(message); // data from sdterr of TOR process

TORNetworks.on('networkExit', (network, code) => {
  console.info(`Closing network ${network.internal}. Child process exited with code ${code}.`);

TORNetworks.on('error', console.error);

TORNetworks.launch(3); // Launch 3 networks. Default is 1.

This project using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.