
A collection of docker images

Primary LanguagePython

Docker apps

A collection of applications running in docker containers

List of applications

  • Anaconda (koallen/anaconda:cpu)
  • Anaconda with CUDA (koallen/anaconda:gpu)
  • MXNet with CUDA
  • MXNet with CUDA and Anaconda (koallen/anaconda-mxnet:gpu)
  • Caffe with CUDA and Anaconda (koallen/anaconda-caffe:gpu)

Folder naming convention

The names of the folders reflect the inheritance relationship between docker images.

For example, cuda-anaconda indicates that the image inherits from a nvidia/cuda image (7.5-cudnn5-devel in this case), and adds Anaconda. And cuda-anaconda-caffe means that the image inherits from the koallen/anaconda:gpu image, and adds Caffe.

If the base image is very common such as ubuntu:14.04, it's omitted.