
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

===Bootstrap Basic4===
Author: Vee Winch
Author URI: http://rundiz.com
Contributors: okvee, christianoliff
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.8.1
Description: Bootstrap v.4 basic theme. For build new theme based on Bootstrap.
Text Domain: bootstrap-basic4
Domain Path: /languages/
Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-menu, post-formats, threaded-comments, translation-ready

Bootstrap Basic4 WordPress theme, Copyright (C) 2017 Vee Winch
Bootstrap Basic4 WordPress theme is licensed under the MIT.

Bootstrap Basic4 Uses Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/, licensed under MIT.
Bootstrap Basic4 Uses Font Awesome http://fontawesome.io, licensed under MIT.
Bootstrap Basic4 Uses Font Awesome (font files) http://fontawesome.io, licensed under SIL OFL 1.1.
Bootstrap Basic4 Uses Flexvideo.css by Zurb Foundation, licensed under MIT.


Bootstrap v.4 basic theme. For build new theme based on Bootstrap 4. 
This theme try to keep minimum basic options to let the theme developers can easily design them self. 
If the theme contain too many options, some of those options maybe no need by the others it will be waste of time to find and remove.
It is still keep the same concept as Bootstrap Basic (version 1) which is minimal, just basic, easy to start build your own theme whether it is for new parent theme or child theme.

Please note that Bootstrap 4 currently is still in beta (2017-08-24). So, any update in the future may change the html structure or class name.

==More feature==

WordPress Menu
To display menu correctly, please create at least 1 menu and set as primary and save.

Bootstrap features
This theme can use all Bootstrap classes, elements and styles.

Responsive image
For responsive image please add img-fluid class to img element.

Responsive video
Cloak video element (video element or embedded video) with <div class="flexvideo">...your video...</div>.

You can find theme help message in Admin dashboard > Appearance > Bootstrap Basic4 help.