
Test connecting to mongo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Mongo App

Test connecting to MongoDb and runs some tests. Included: Cloud Formation scripts to create AWS resources.

Instructions for connecting to mongo

  • Make sure docker engine is running
    • For example: colima start
  • ./start-mongo.sh
  • npm run build
  • npm run start

Instructions for connecting to AWS DocumentDb

  • Open terminal
    • export AWS_PROFILE=yourprofile
    • ./cloud-formation/ec2/create-ec2-stack.sh
    • ./cloud-formation/db/create-db-stack.sh
  • Connect to the test ECT instance via SSH
  • Run: ./setup.sh
  • Navigate to simple-mongo-app
  • Download the Amazon DocumentDB Certificate Authority (CA) into the EC2 instance
  • Run: npm run bs
  • Insert the adjusted connection string from below.

AWS DocumentDb connecting string

In the cluster in the AWS console you will find something like this as a suggested connecting string:


Adjust it as follows: mongodb://testadmin:test1234@docdb-test-cluster.cluster-cuttwdlndsr6.us-east-1.docdb.amazonaws.com:27017/?tls=true&tlsCAFile=global-bundle.pem&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false

Note: Main difference is moving from SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) to TLS(Transport Layer Security). Overall, TLS is considered more secure and robust compared to SSL.

Clean up delete stacks

  • ./cloud-formation/ec2/delete-ec2-stack.sh
  • ./cloud-formation/db/delete-db-stack.sh