
A Swift wrapper for the Open Graph protocol (OGP).

Primary LanguageSwift

A Swift wrapper for the Open Graph protocol (OGP)

Build Status Carthage compatible Platform
OpenGraph is a Swift wrapper for the OGP (Open Graph protocol). You can fetch OpenGraph,then you can access the attributes with subscript and the key provided by enum type.

OpenGraph.fetch(url) { og, error in
    print(og?[.title]) // => og:title of the web site
    print(og?[.type])  // => og:type of the web site
    print(og?[.image]) // => og:image of the web site
    print(og?[.url])   // => og:url of the web site

If you want to use Rx interface, use an extension below.

extension OpenGraph {
    static func rx_fetch(url: URL?) -> Observable<OpenGraph?> {
        return Observable.create { observer in
            guard let url = url else {
                return Disposables.create()
            OpenGraph.fetch(url: url) { og, err in
                if let og = og {
                if let err = err {
            return Disposables.create()


  • Xcode 9 / Swift 4.0 or 3.2 (If you use Xcode 8.x, you can use 1.0.2.)
  • iOS 8.0 or later
  • macOS 10.9 or later
  • tvOS 9.0 or later
  • watchOS 2.0 or later

If you use Swift 2.2 or 2.3, use older version of OpenGraph.



Insert pod 'OpenGraph' to your Podfile and run pod install.


Insert github "satoshi-takano/OpenGraph" to your Cartfile and run carthage update.


This project and library has been created by Satoshi Takano and is under the MIT License.