
A C Mime Type Library

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


MegaMimes is a C Library that is used to get the mimetype of a file, determine whether a file is binary or text file and get a text file encoding. The library has no dependencies. It is tested on all major operating systems( windows, Linux, Mac OS)


On Unix

$ cd MegaMimes 
$ ./configure
$ make 
$ sudo make install 

On Windows

It is recommended that you copy the two files in the src sub directory and directly include them in your project directory. This is easy because the whole library is a single file. You can also use the precompiled binaries that are located in win32 sub folder.


Getting the mime type of a file.

#include "MegaMimes.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv)
    char* mimetype  = getMegaMimeType("/etc/settings.ini") ; // returns ''
    // must not necessarily be a file which exists on the disk. 
    char* mimetype2 = getMegaMimeType(".mp4") ; // returns 'video/mp4'
    char* mimetype3 = getMegaMimeType("owen"); // returns NULL ;

Getting The File Extension Associated With A Mime Type

#include "MegaMimes.h"

int main( int argc, char** argv)

  char** extensions = getMegaMimeExtensions("video/mp4") ;
  // returns {'*.mp4', NULL}
  //get all video file extensions
  extensions = getMegaMimeExtensions("video/*") ;
  // returns {'*.3g2', '*.3gp', '*.avi', .... ,NULL}
  freeMegaStringArray(extensions) ;
  extensions = getMegaMimeExtensions("*/*") ;
  // returns all file extensions
  extensions = getMegaMimeExtensions("text/rr") ;
  // returns NULL because no extension has that mime name  

Getting Information About A File

#include "MegaMimes.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv)
  MegaFileInfo * fileinfo = getMegaFileInformation("/usr/package.json") ;
  if (!fileinfo) 
      printf("The file does not exits or you may not have read permission.");
      return 1 ;
      printf("Directory : %s\n", fileinfo->mBaseDir) ;
      printf("Base Name : %s\n", fileinfo->mBaseName) ;
      printf("File Extension : %s\n", fileinfo->mExtension) ;
      printf("File Size : %lld Bytes\n", fileinfo->mFileSize ) ;
      printf("Mime Type : %s\n", fileinfo->mMimeType) ;
      printf("Mime Name : %s\n", fileinfo->mMimeName) ;
          printf("File Type : Text File , Encoding : %s", fileinfo->mTextEncoding);
      else printf("File Type : Binary File") ;
      // Output 
      // Directory : /usr/
      // Base Name : package
      // File Extension : .json 
      // File Size : 124564 Bytes
      // Mime Type : application/json 
      // Mime Name : JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
      // File Type : Text File, Encoding : UTF-8
      freeMegaFileInfo(fileinfo) ;

Determing The Encoding Of A Text File

#include "MegaMimes.h"

int main( int argc, char** argv)
  const char* file = "../data/MegaMimeTypes.txt" ;
  if (isTextFile(file))
      const char* enc = guessMegaTextFileEncoding(file) ;
      printf("The file is encode in %s", enc) ; //Output: UTF-8
      printf("The file is a binary file") ;

Determing Whether A File Is A Text File Or Not

#include "MegaMimes.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  bool istext = isTextFile("../data/formatMimes.py") ;
      printf("The file is a text file") ;
      printf("The file is a binary file") ;


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes or to add new mime types, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change or the mime type you would like to add.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
