
Photo Management APIS

Primary LanguagePython


Provides APIs to manage pictures. Allows you to group pictures into albums https://focus-photo-management.herokuapp.com

Deployment Steps (DEVELOPMENT)

Requirements Redis Server Python3

Configuring Celery These two config variables in (focus.settings.py) stores the host name of the redis server. CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND BROKER_URL

Before running the application , you can set DATABASE URL as an environment variable. This can be done by $ export DATABASE_URL=mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/databasename You can also set these values directly in the settings.py

 $ python3 -m venv venv # create virtual environment
 $ . venv/bin/activate
 $(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
 $(venv) mkdir uploads # for file uploads
 $(venv) cd focus
 $(venv) python3 manage.py migrate
 $(venv) celery -A focus worker --pool=solo -l info
 $(venv) python3 manage.py runserver


$(venv) cd focus
$(venv) python3 manage.py test focusapi.tests   # test focus APIs
$(venv) python3 manage.py test user_auth.tests  # test authentication APIs

API Documentation
