
( Referencing Tina Huang Youtube Channel Project Idea)

Project #1 - Self Learning

• Python
    ◦ Lists
    ◦ random module
    ◦ input function
• Advanced
    ◦ Pandas
    ◦ Apis

    Base Project:
    1. Put all recommended anime in a list in Python 
    2. Randomly choose one and print

    Upgraded Project:
    1. Make a sublist with anime parameters
    2. Use the input function (mood, runtime, series/movie)

    *(current) Advanced Project: 
    1. Jikan - pulling data from Jikan and putting it into the nested version  - *IN PROGRESS*
    2. Pandas - using dataframes instead of nests - *NEXT UP*
    3. from command line input to a website / UI interface - *COMPLETED* minimal version 

    High Level Project: (still thinking about overall ideas for this one ... )

    Adding in Django + Node Js 
    creating an app where people can join a room using a code, then choose anime based off of checkboxes, then can vote on which random anime selected is what they all want by casting votes. (Jikan APi)

    (maybe a feature/checkbox for different levels, such as N5 japanese for learning etc.,)
    group learn from an anime  ( Jisho and DeepL Apis')

    other random api 

    (trace.moe API)

    Non APi 

    to grab anime that has a script (will search websites that have scripts) and also have checboxes for episode, etc, 

    -> found the anime eng + jp subs (Kitsunekko)
    Jp -> https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F
    Eng -> https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2F

    Can also add a link to grammar explanations (can be found easily throihg copy & pasting the grammar) -> through Control f or maybe a feature that does it for you?  (Itazuraneko.neocities.org)
  • figure out the rate limiter for APi's
  • later add a sign on feature to make accounts, track studying time, track who was in your group with u and how long, etc., maybe a forumn? something to include localition coding involvement / practice etc.,