
Scripts helping with library deployment

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Library deployment

This repository contains a supporting script for our libraries deployment. The document is using following constants:

  • ${DEP_TOOL} - path where you have cloned this repository
  • ${REPO} - path to repository, containing library you're going to deploy

Prepare library for deployment

This part of documentation explains how to prepare a new library for deployment with using scripts from this repository. We're expecting that library has stable build, so:

  • You can really compile the library without errors
  • In case of cocoapods, you have already valid podspec file
  • In case of gradle, you have properly configured uploading to bintray.

Prepare template files

Template files are textual files with version placeholder. The deploy script is doing following operations for each such file:

  • Checks whether template file exists
  • Checks whether destination file exists
  • Loads its content and replaces placeholder %DEPLOY_VERSION% with an actual version string
  • Stores final string into destination file

For swift projects, two files typically has to be updated with a new version:

  • YourLibrary.podspec - a file declaring library for cocoapods dependency manager
  • Info.plist - a info file created by Xcode.
  • You can look into our LimeCore library for examples.

For gradle projects, one file has to be updated with a new version:

  • gradle.properties - a file which typically contains a version of library
  • You can look into our passphrase-meter library for examples.

For npm projects, one file has to be updated with a new version:

  • package.json - a file which typically contains a version of library
  • You can look into our malwarelytics-cordova-plugin library for examples.

Prepare .limedeploy file

.limedeploy contains information about library deployment and the file must be stored in the root of the repository:

$ cd ${REPO}
$ touch .limedeploy
$ open .limedeploy

Last command will open empty .limedeploy file in your preferred text editor. You can put following lines to the file (the file is regular bash script, so you should be familiar with bash syntax):

DEPLOY_VERSIONING_FILES=( "Deploy/LimeCore.podspec,LimeCore.podspec" "Deploy/Info.plist,Source/Info.plist" )

Each line contains assignment to one global variable:

  • DEPLOY_POD_NAME - contains name of cocoa pod, for example LimeCore
  • DEPLOY_VERSIONING_FILES - contains array defining template files and destination versioning files. Each string in the array contains two, comma separated relative paths: first file is a source template, second is path to actual versioning file.
  • DEPLOY_MODE contains mode of deployment. Following modes are supported:
    • cocoapods - deployment with using pod tool
    • gradle - deployment with using gradlew tool
    • npm - deployment with using npm tool
    • more - for a complex deployments with multiple deployment targets at once

cocoapods mode parameters

  • DEPLOY_POD_NAME is required parameter, specifying which pod is going to be published

gradle mode parameters

  • DEPLOY_LIB_NAME is required parameter, specifying name of library. The name will be used for git tag comment, created for the new version.
  • DEPLOY_GRADLE_PARAMS is required and specifying command line parameters for gradle for deployment task. For example: clean build install bintrayUpload
  • DEPLOY_GRADLE_PREPARE_PARAMS is optional and specifying command line parameters for gradle for prepare task. If not specified, then clean assembleRelease is used.
  • DEPLOY_GRADLE_PATH is optional and specifying path to gradlew wrapper script. If not specified, then path to repository is used.

npm mode parameters

No parameters available for this mode. npm publish is run in the repository.

more mode parameters

  • DEPLOY_LIB_NAME is required parameter, specifying name of library. The name will be used for git tag comment, created for the new version.
  • DEPLOY_MORE_TARGETS is required parameters, specifying which other modes has to be executed. For example: gradle cocoapods

Publish version

Before you publish a new version, make sure that:

  • You can build this version of library without errors or warnings
  • Your git status is clean. You can have not-pushed commits, but your repo must be clean and without uncommitted changes.

To publish a new version of build, simply type:

$ ${DEP_TOOL}/deploy-build.sh  ${REPO}  ${NEW_VERSION}

The script will perform following steps:

  • prepare - prepares versioning files. This step is divided into several separate operations:

    1. All versioning files are prepared and committed to the local git repository
    2. A tag for new version is created.
    3. Build of the library is tested (for swift projects, this typically executes pod lib lint)

    The result is that your local git repository will contain a prepared versioning files, tag with version and finally, you can be sure, that it's possible to build this version of the library.

  • push - pushes all changes to library's remote git repository

  • deploy - deploys build to a public repository (for swift projects, it typically executes pod trunk push)

  • merge - merges all changes to master branch

If you need to make custom changes, then you can perform each steps individually. Type ${DEP_TOOL}/deploy-build.sh -h for details.

GitHub Actions Integration

You can use this tool as a GitHub Action.

Example usage:

name: Release a new version

        description: 'Version of the library'
        required: true

    name: Publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Publish the library
        uses: wultra/library-deploy@develop
          script-parameters: ${{ github.event.inputs.version }} prepare push deploy -v2
          # in case of npm, you need to setup .npmrc file with NPM_TOKEN
          # and then pass this token as a environment variable
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}