
Small JavaScript library to replace string literals, regular expressions, and comments from JavaScript syntax.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Escaper is a small JavaScript library to replace string literals, regular expressions, and comments from the JavaScript syntax.

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  • ' ... '
  • " ... "
  • ` ... `, ` ... ${...} `
  • / ... /
  • // ..., //* ..., //! ..., //# ..., //@ ..., //$ ...
  • /* ... */, /** ... */, /*! ... */, /*# ... */, /*@ ... */, /*$ ... */




npm install escaper


git clone https://github.com/kobezzza/Escaper


  str = 'Hello "world" and \'friends\'',
  content = [];

// Replaces all found matches
// 'Hello __ESCAPER_QUOT__0_ and __ESCAPER_QUOT__1_'
Escaper.replace(str, content)

// Replaces only single quotes
// 'Hello "world" and __ESCAPER_QUOT__0_'
Escaper.replace(str, ["'"])

// Cuts all found matches
// 'Hello and '
Escaper.replace(str, -1)

// Replaces all and cuts single quotes
// 'Hello __ESCAPER_QUOT__0_ and '
Escaper.replace(str, {"'": -1})

// Replaces all but strings
// 'Hello __ESCAPER_QUOT__0_ and \'friends\''
Escaper.replace(str, {strings: false})

// Replaces all, but strings can be only single quotes
// 'Hello "world" and __ESCAPER_QUOT__0_'
Escaper.replace(str, {strings: ["'"]})

// Replaces all, but strings can be only single quotes and it will be cut
// 'Hello "world" and '
Escaper.replace(str, {strings: {"'": -1}})

// Replaces all found escape blocks to a real content
// 'Hello "world" and \'friends\''
Escaper.paste(str, content);


Escaper.replace(str, how?, store?): string

Replaces all found blocks ' ... ', " ... ", ` ... `, / ... /, // ..., /* ... */ to escape blocks from the specified string and returns a new string.


  • string str — source string;
  • string[] | Record<string, string[] | Record<string, boolean | -1> | false | -1> | false | -1 how? — parameters:

Possible values

If a value is set to -1, then all found matches will be removed from the final string. If the value is set to boolean it will be replaced/passed.

// Label of replacement, by default __ESCAPER_QUOT__${pos}_

// Singleline comment

// Multiline comments

// All kinds of comments

// All kinds of strings

// All kinds of literals (except strings and comments)

// Literals

The parameters can be specified as an array (escapes only explicitly specified sequences) or like an object (disables/excludes by a literal or group). Also, if you set the parameter value as -1, then all found sequences will be removed from the string.

  • string[] store = Escaper.content — store for matches.

Escaper.paste(str, store?, rgxp?): string

Replaces all found escape blocks to real content from the specified string and returns a new string.


  • string str — source string;
  • string[] store = Escaper.content — store of matches;
  • RegExp rgxp? — RegExp to search, e.g. /__ESCAPER_QUOT__(\d+)_/g.

The MIT License.