
Python library to use Google Transliterate API which powers the G Input Tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Google Transliteration - Python API

A Python library to use Google Transliterate API which powers the G Input Tools.

Install using:

pip install google-transliteration-api



Check here for list of supported languages.

Get suggestions for a word

from google.transliteration import transliterate_word
suggestions = transliterate_word('America', lang_code='ja')

['アメリカ', '米国', '米', '亜米利加', '亜墨利加', '米利堅']

The above transliterates the word 'America' into Japanese script and returns a list of possible suggestions.

Transliterate a sentence or text


from google.transliteration import transliterate_text
result = transliterate_text('Hello comrade!', lang_code='ru')

хелло комраде!

Transliterate numerals

from google.transliteration import transliterate_numerals
result = transliterate_numerals('3210', lang_code='zh')


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Please feel free to contribute by Pull Requests or raise an issue.

DMCA & Disclaimer

If you're Google and want us to take down the API, please raise an issue mentioning the main contributors.