forked from: simply added sound null safety.
A simple .srt file parser that allows you to read a String and convert it to a list of subtitle object.
Each Subtitle object contains a begin and an end time stamp and a list of subtitle strings.
import 'package:srt_parser/srt_parser.dart';
const String data = '''1
00:02:26,407 --> 00:02:31,356 X1:100 X2:100 Y1:100 Y2:100
-- Arman I trust you
-- Arrrrrghhhhhh, ja ja
00:02:31,567 --> 00:02:37,164
-- Lukas is publishing his library.
-- I like the man.
void main() {
List<Subtitle> subtitles = parseSrt(data);
for (Subtitle item in subtitles) {
print('ID is: ${}');
print('Begin is: ${item.range.begin} and End is: ${item.range.end}');
for (String line in item.lines) {