
Various Extensions for the NgRx Signal Store

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NgRx Toolkit


NgRx Toolkit is an extension to the NgRx Signals Store. It is still in beta but already offers following features:

  • Devtools: Integration into Redux Devtools
  • Redux: Possibility to use the Redux Pattern (Reducer, Actions, Effects)
  • Redux Connector: Map NgRx Store Actions to a present Signal Store

To install it, run

npm i @angular-architects/ngrx-toolkit

Devtools: withDevtools()

This extension is very easy to use. Just add it to a signalStore. Example:

export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
  withDevtools('flights'), // <-- add this
  withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] }),
  // ...

Redux: withRedux()

withRedux() bring back the Redux pattern into the Signal Store.

It can be combined with any other extension of the Signal Store.


export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
  withState({ flights: [] as Flight[] }),
    actions: {
      public: {
        load: payload<{ from: string; to: string }>(),
      private: {
        loaded: payload<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    reducer(actions, on) {
      on(actions.loaded, ({ flights }, state) => {
        patchState(state, 'flights loaded', { flights });
    effects(actions, create) {
      const httpClient = inject(HttpClient);
      return {
        load$: create(actions.load).pipe(
          switchMap(({ from, to }) =>
                params: new HttpParams().set('from', from).set('to', to),
          tap((flights) => actions.loaded({ flights })),

DataService withDataService()

withDataService() allows to connect a Data Service to the store:

This gives you a store for a CRUD use case:

export const SimpleFlightBookingStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
    dataServiceType: FlightService, 
    filter: { from: 'Paris', to: 'New York' },

The features withCallState and withUndoRedo are optional, but when present, they enrich each other.

The Data Service needs to implement the DataService interface:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class FlightService implements DataService<Flight, FlightFilter> {
  loadById(id: EntityId): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  load(filter: FlightFilter): Promise<Flight[]> { ... }

  create(entity: Flight): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  update(entity: Flight): Promise<Flight> { ... }
  delete(entity: Flight): Promise<void> { ... }

Once the store is defined, it gives its consumers numerous signals and methods they just need to delegate to:

export class FlightSearchSimpleComponent {
  private store = inject(SimpleFlightBookingStore);

  from = this.store.filter.from;
  to = this.store.filter.to;
  flights = this.store.entities;
  selected = this.store.selectedEntities;
  selectedIds = this.store.selectedIds;

  loading = this.store.loading;

  canUndo = this.store.canUndo;
  canRedo = this.store.canRedo;

  async search() {

  undo(): void {

  redo(): void {

  updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void {
    this.store.updateFilter({ from, to });

  updateBasket(id: number, selected: boolean): void {
    this.store.updateSelected(id, selected);


DataService with Dynamic Properties

To avoid naming conflicts, the properties set up by withDataService and the connected features can be configured in a typesafe way:

export const FlightBookingStore = signalStore(
  { providedIn: 'root' },
    collection: 'flight'
    entity: type<Flight>(), 
    collection: 'flight'
    dataServiceType: FlightService, 
    filter: { from: 'Graz', to: 'Hamburg' },
    collection: 'flight'
    collections: ['flight'],

This setup makes them use flight as part of the used property names. As these implementations respect the Type Script type system, the compiler will make sure these properties are used in a typesafe way:

export class FlightSearchDynamicComponent {
  private store = inject(FlightBookingStore);

  from = this.store.flightFilter.from;
  to = this.store.flightFilter.to;
  flights = this.store.flightEntities;
  selected = this.store.selectedFlightEntities;
  selectedIds = this.store.selectedFlightIds;

  loading = this.store.flightLoading;

  canUndo = this.store.canUndo;
  canRedo = this.store.canRedo;

  async search() {

  undo(): void {

  redo(): void {

  updateCriteria(from: string, to: string): void {
    this.store.updateFlightFilter({ from, to });

  updateBasket(id: number, selected: boolean): void {
    this.store.updateSelectedFlightEntities(id, selected);


Redux Connector for the NgRx Signal Store createReduxState()

The Redux Connector turns any signalStore() into a Gobal State Management Slice following the Redux pattern.

It supports:

✅ Well-known NgRx Store Actions
✅ Global Action dispatch()
✅ Angular Lazy Loading
✅ Auto-generated provideNamedStore() & injectNamedStore() Functions
✅ Global Action to Store Method Mappers \

Use a present Signal Store

export const FlightStore = signalStore(
  // State
  withEntities({ entity: type<Flight>(), collection: 'flight' }),
  withEntities({ entity: type<number>(), collection: 'hide' }),
  // Selectors
  withComputed(({ flightEntities, hideEntities }) => ({
    filteredFlights: computed(() => flightEntities()
      .filter(flight => !hideEntities().includes(flight.id))),
    flightCount: computed(() => flightEntities().length),
  // Updater
  withMethods(store => ({
    setFlights: (state: { flights: Flight[] }) => patchState(store,
      setAllEntities(state.flights, { collection: 'flight' })),
    updateFlight: (state: { flight: Flight }) => patchState(store,
      updateEntity({ id: state.flight.id, changes: state.flight }, { collection: 'flight' })),
    clearFlights: () => patchState(store,
      removeAllEntities({ collection: 'flight' })),
  // Effects
  withMethods((store, flightService = inject(FlightService)) => ({
    loadFlights: reduxMethod<FlightFilter, { flights: Flight[] }>(pipe(
      switchMap(filter => from(
        flightService.load({ from: filter.from, to: filter.to })
      map(flights => ({ flights })),
    ), store.setFlights),

Use well-known NgRx Store Actions

export const ticketActions = createActionGroup({
  source: 'tickets',
  events: {
    'flights load': props<FlightFilter>(),
    'flights loaded': props<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    'flights loaded by passenger': props<{ flights: Flight[] }>(),
    'flight update': props<{ flight: Flight }>(),
    'flights clear': emptyProps()

Map Actions to Methods

export const { provideFlightStore, injectFlightStore } =
  createReduxState('flight', FlightStore, store => withActionMappers(
      // Filtered Action
      // Side-Effect
      // Result Action
      // Filtered Actions
      ticketActions.flightsLoaded, ticketActions.flightsLoadedByPassenger,
      // State Updater Method (like Reducers)
    mapAction(ticketActions.flightUpdate, store.updateFlight),
    mapAction(ticketActions.flightsClear, store.clearFlights),

Register an Angular Dependency Injection Provider

export const appRoutes: Route[] = [
    path: 'flight-search-redux-connector',
    providers: [provideFlightStore()],
    component: FlightSearchReducConnectorComponent

Use the Store in your Component

  standalone: true,
  imports: [
  selector: 'demo-flight-search-redux-connector',
  templateUrl: './flight-search.component.html',
export class FlightSearchReducConnectorComponent {
  private store = injectFlightStore();

  protected flights = this.store.flightEntities;

  protected search() {
        from: this.localState.filter.from(),
        to: this.localState.filter.to()

  protected reset(): void {