A simple and straight forward Kafka HTTP proxy
A simple and straight forward Kafka HTTP proxy
docker run -p $PORT:$PORT \
-e $PORT \
POST /topics/{topic}
Example: To create a topic named 'frodo'
POST /topics/frodo
POST /topics/{topic}/consumer
Optional params
- simple: true - return the bare message value from kafka,
See kafka-node documentation on consumerGroup options - https://www.npmjs.com/package/kafka-node#consumergroup
To create a new consumer for a topic named 'frodo'
POST /topics/frodo/consumer
To create a new consumer for a topic named 'frodo' and under a consumerGroup named 'thefellowship'
POST /topics/frodo/consumer
consumerGroup: 'thefellowship'
DELETE /topics/{topic}/consumer
DELETE /topics/frodo/consumer
GET /topics/{topic}/messages
GET /topics/{topic}/messages
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