
Solutions for Leetcode problems

Primary LanguageJava


LeetCode Algorithm

(Note: 🔒 == Premium)

# Title Solution Difficulty
303 Range Sum Query - Immutable JAVA, Python Easy
436 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 🔒 JAVA, Python Hard
1222 Queens That Can Attack the King JAVA Medium
1314 Matrix Block Sum Python Medium
1409 Queries on a Permutation With Key JAVA, Python Medium


# Title Solution
1 Invert Binary Tree JAVA, Python
2 Delete Node in a Linked List JAVA, Python
3 Two City Scheduling JAVA, Python
4 Reverse String JAVA, Python
5 Random Pick with Weight JAVA, Python
6 Queue Reconstruction by Height JAVA, Python
7 Coin Change 2 JAVA, Python
8 Power of Two JAVA, Python
9 Is Subsequence JAVA, Python
10 Search Insert Position JAVA, Python
11 Sort Colors JAVA, Python
12 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) JAVA, Python
13 Largest Divisible Subset JAVA, Python
14 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops JAVA, Python
15 Search in a Binary Search Tree JAVA, Python
16 Validate IP Address JAVA, Python
17 Surrounded Regions JAVA, Python
18 H-Index II JAVA, Python

This repository references haoel's leetcode