
Scala programming labs

Primary LanguageScala


Scala 2.9.1
sbt 0.11

Scala programming excercises focusing on classes, traits, objects, companion objects, pattern matching and implicit conversions. 

Getting started
Clone scala-labs repo
run sbt

You can generate project files for eclipse:
sbt> eclipse

You can generate project files for Idea:
sbt> gen-idea

Set current project to the lab you're working with (in sbt console)
sbt> project lab01
sbt> compile

Fix all compile errors, then run the tests:

sbt> test

If you're stuck have a look a the solutions.

Lab01 - constructors, auxilliary constructors
Lab02 - traits
Lab03 - constructors, function literals
Lab04 - stackable traits
Lab05 - objects
Lab06 - Companion objects
Lab07 - Pattern matching
Lab08 - Case classes
Lab09 - Implicit conversions