
Collect crash (or UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer error) reports, triage, and estimate severity.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CI Crates.io Documentation License

CASR: Crash Analysis and Severity Report

CASR – collect crash (or UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer error) reports, triage, and estimate severity. It is based on ideas from exploitable and apport.

CASR is maintained by:


CASR is a set of tools that allows you to collect crash reports in different ways. Use casr-core binary to deal with coredumps. Use casr-san to analyze ASAN reports or casr-ubsan to analyze UBSAN reports. Try casr-gdb to get reports from gdb. Use casr-python to analyze python reports and get report from Atheris. Use casr-java to analyze java reports and get report from Jazzer.

Crash report contains many useful information: severity (like exploitable) for x86, x86_64, arm32, aarch64, rv32g, rv64g architectures, OS and package versions, command line, stack trace, register values, disassembly, and even source code fragment where crash appeared. Reports are stored in JSON format. casr-cli is meant to provide TUI for viewing reports and converting them into SARIF report. Reports triage (deduplication, clustering) is done by casr-cluster. Triage is based on stack trace comparison from gdb-command. casr-afl is used to triage crashes found by AFL++. casr-libfuzzer can triage crashes found by libFuzzer based fuzzer (C/C++/go-fuzz/Atheris /Jazzer). casr-dojo allows to upload new and unique CASR reports to DefectDojo (available with dojo feature).

Explanation of severity classes could be found here. You could take a closer look at usage details here.




LibCASR provides API for parsing stacktraces, collecting crash reports, triaging crashes (deduplication and clustering), and estimating severity of crashes.

It can analyze crashes from different sources:

  • AddressSanitizer
  • UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer
  • Gdb output

and program languages:

  • C/C++
  • Rust
  • Go
  • Python
  • Java

It could be built with exploitable feature for severity estimation crashes collected from gdb. To save crash reports as json use serde feature.


Install build dependencies:

$ sudo apt install build-essential clang

Install Rust or update existing Rust installation:

$ rustup update

Install runtime dependencies:

$ sudo apt install gdb lsb-release


Build from Git repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ispras/casr
$ cargo build --release

Or you may just install Casr from crates.io:

$ cargo install casr

Add dojo feature if you want to install casr-dojo (the same for cargo build):

$ cargo install -F dojo casr


Create report from coredump:

$ casr-core -f casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/core.test_destAv -e casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/test_destAv -o destAv.casrep

Create report from AddressSanitizer output:

$ clang++ -fsanitize=address -O0 -g casr/tests/casr_tests/test_asan_df.cpp -o test_asan_df
$ casr-san -o asan.casrep -- ./test_asan_df

Create report from UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer output:

$ clang++ -fsanitize=undefined -O0 -g casr/tests/casr_tests/ubsan/test_ubsan.cpp -o test_ubsan
$ casr-ubsan -i casr/tests/casr_tests/ubsan/input1 -o output -- ./test_ubsan @@
$ casr-cli output

Create report from gdb:

$ casr-gdb -o destAv.gdb.casrep -- casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/test_destAv $(printf 'A%.s' {1..200})

Create report from python:

$ casr-python -o python.casrep -- casr/tests/casr_tests/python/test_casr_python.py

Create report from java:

$ casr-java -o java.casrep -- java casr/tests/casr_tests/java/Test1.java

View report:

$ casr-cli casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/test_clustering_san/load_fuzzer_crash-120697a7f5b87c03020f321c8526adf0f4bcc2dc.casrep

View joint statistics about crash clusters:

$ casr-cli casr_reports

Convert reports to SARIF report:

$ casr-cli --sarif out.sarif --tool libfuzzer --source-root /xlnt casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/test_clustering_san

Create report for program that reads stdin:

$ casr-san --stdin seed -o san_bin.casrep -- ./san_bin

Deduplicate reports:

$ casr-cluster -d casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/test_clustering_gdb out-dedup

Cluster reports:

$ casr-cluster -c out-dedup out-cluster

Triage crashes after AFL++ fuzzing with casr-afl:

$ cp casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/load_afl /tmp/load_afl
$ cp casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/load_sydr /tmp/load_sydr
$ casr-afl -i casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/afl-out-xlnt -o casr/tests/tmp_tests_casr/casr_afl_out
$ # You may also additionally generate crash reports for uninstrumented binary with casr-gdb
$ casr-afl -i casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/afl-out-xlnt -o casr/tests/tmp_tests_casr/casr_afl_out -- /tmp/load_sydr @@

Triage libFuzzer crashes with casr-libfuzzer:

$ casr-libfuzzer -i casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/libfuzzer_crashes_xlnt -o casr/tests/tmp_tests_casr/casr_libfuzzer_out -- casr/tests/casr_tests/bin/load_fuzzer

Triage Atheris crashes with casr-libfuzzer:

$ unzip casr/tests/casr_tests/python/ruamel.zip
$ cp casr/tests/casr_tests/python/yaml_fuzzer.py .
$ casr-libfuzzer -i casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/atheris_crashes_ruamel_yaml -o casr/tests/tmp_tests_casr/casr_libfuzzer_atheris_out -- ./yaml_fuzzer.py

Upload new and unique CASR reports to DefectDojo:

$ echo '[product]' > dojo.toml
$ echo 'name = "xlnt"' >> dojo.toml
$ echo '[engagement]' >> dojo.toml
$ echo "name = \"load_fuzzer $(date -Isec)\"" >> dojo.toml
$ echo '[test]' >> dojo.toml
$ echo 'test_type = "CASR DAST Report"' >> dojo.toml
$ casr-dojo -i casr/tests/casr_tests/casrep/test_clustering_san -u http://localhost:8080 -t 382f5dfdf2a339f7c3bb35442f9deb9b788a98d5 dojo.toml

Fuzzing Crash Triage Pipeline

When you have crashes from fuzzing you may do the following steps:

  1. Create reports for all crashes via casr-san, casr-gdb (if no sanitizers are present), casr-python, or casr-java.
  2. Deduplicate collected crash reports via casr-cluster -d.
  3. Cluster deduplicated crash reports via casr-cluster -c.
  4. Create reports and deduplicate them for all UBSAN errors via casr-ubsan.
  5. View reports from clusters using casr-cli or upload them to DefectDojo with casr-dojo.

If you use AFL++, the pipeline (without casr-ubsan and casr-dojo) could be done automatically by casr-afl.

If you use libFuzzer based fuzzer (C/C++/go-fuzz/Atheris), the pipeline (without casr-ubsan and casr-dojo) could be done automatically by casr-libfuzzer.


Feel free to open issues or PRs! We appreciate your support!

Please follow the next recommendations for your pull requests:

  • compile with stable rust
  • use cargo fmt
  • check the output of cargo clippy --all
  • run tests cargo test

Cite Us

Savidov G., Fedotov A. Casr-Cluster: Crash Clustering for Linux Applications. 2021 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (ISPRAS), IEEE, 2021, pp. 47-51. DOI: 10.1109/ISPRAS53967.2021.00012 [paper] [slides]

  title = {{{Casr-Cluster}}: Crash Clustering for Linux Applications},
  author = {Savidov, Georgy and Fedotov, Andrey},
  booktitle = {2021 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (ISPRAS)},
  pages = {47--51},
  year = {2021},
  organization = {IEEE},
  doi = {10.1109/ISPRAS53967.2021.00012},


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