
Jekyll source for glastonauts.live

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jekyll basics

Install jekyll

Serve a local auto-updating instance:

# cd into this repo's root dir
jekyll serve

Then edit away.

Schedule is in _includes/schedule.md

Markdown should be self-explanatory, otherwise see https://kramdown.gettalong.org/quickref.html

Note that some JS will be served from the live site. You can change the url parameter (site.url) in _config.yml to serve this locally but don't commit this back to the repo.


If you work on a branch for structural changes, we can test/review locally before merging to master (and using up CI free tier), otherwise just add regular updates straight in master.


Using buddy.works - contact Bob for accesss. Push/merge to master and the site will update.


MAD4Jekyll - http://jekyllthemes.org/themes/MAD4Jekyll/ and https://github.com/madforjekyll/madforjekyll.github.io

I (Bob) massively chopped it down, including some items in the nav bar. Refer to original to get those back if we need them. We probably will need some navigation!

I didn't "install" it per se. Maybe I did this wrong... Jekyll themes don't seem to be trivial. I copied the whole github repo and changed what I needed and tried to delete the rest. So swapping to another theme isn't going to be painless.